French teacher Caroline L-B

Caroline L-B

Community Tutor
Tutor on italki since 2011
From CanadaLiving in Other, United Kingdom (11:42 UTC+01:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Nov 10, 2011
Interest topicFoodReadingFilms & TV SeriesTravelPets & Animals
Bonjour ! Je cherche des étudiants de niveau intermédiaire (B1 et B2) qui désirent améliorer leur fluidité, développer leur vocabulaire et corriger leurs erreurs de grammaire. J'offre également de l'aide avec les examens TEF/TEFaQ/TCFQ. I'm looking for intermediate students who want to achieve fluency. Besides exam practice (TEFAQ / TCFQ ), I like to talk about news, travels, food, films, gardening, the weather and all the little things in between. *If you are still a beginner*, it's probably too early to start with me. I would advice reading my book, The No Nonsense French Guide first, have some practice with professional teacher and come back to me in 6 months.

French Lessons

Trial Lesson
376 lessons completed
USD 9.00+
Informal Tutoring
B1 -  C1

Conversation Practice

5,741 lessons completed
USD 18.00


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)

2,428 Reviews

Student Dale B
Dale B
58 French lessons
Teacher’s pick
J'adore mes leçons avec Caroline, ma seul source des nouvelles importante dans le monde. Et quel plaisir parler avec elle, qui rend la journée plus lumineuse tout en améliorant mon français!
Jun 4, 2024
Student Joy Cai
Joy Cai
6 French lessons
Teacher’s pick
Caroline est une excellent instructrice, surtout pour les gens qui veut passer l'examen TEFAQ. Elle m'aide beaucoup de pratiquer TEFAQ expression orale. Elle m'a donné des sujets similaires au matériel d'examen, elle a beaucoup de bonne ideas pour developper mon niveau de francais!
Apr 22, 2024
Student Christopher Johnson
Christopher Johnson
341 French lessons
Teacher’s pick
I think Caroline is a great teacher and would give her 10 stars if they had that many to give.
Jul 4, 2018
Student Christopher Johnson
Christopher Johnson
341 French lessons
Every lesson is a good workout for both familiar and unfamiliar words and phrases.
Jun 4, 2024
Student Christopher Johnson
Christopher Johnson
341 French lessons
Caroline is a great listener and points out the words and phrases I need to incorporate to be a better French speaker.
May 28, 2024
Student Joe
6 French lessons
Caroline applied her extensive expertise in TEFaQ preparation to enhancing our practice session. She was able to quickly identify precise issues in my expressions and give corrections. She also provided useful materials as well as general advice on daily practice that helps me better plan my next steps towards passing the oral exam. She is energetic and her instructions are often fast-paced, which mimics the real test environment. On the other hand, she also shows great adaptiveness and patience as she always attentively listened to my questions and expained in detail whenever I was unsure.
May 22, 2024
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