Japanese teacher Sayuri


Professional Teacher
Chinese (Mandarin)
Let's enjoy learning Japanese with me! 私と一緒に日本語の勉強をしましょう😊
From JapanLiving in Taipei, Taiwan, China (20:25 UTC+08:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Nov 19, 2021
InterestsPets & AnimalsFoodBusiness & FinanceMusicTravel
Hello, I am Sayuri. I live in Fukuoka , Japan. Do you enjoy studying Japanese? I study English and Chinese too. I think studying a foreign language is hard, but it's a lot of fun. let's enjoy learning Japanese with me! I like traveling. I like to go to various places and eat local foods. はじめまして、さゆりです。私は、日本(にほん)の福岡県(ふくおかけん)に住(す)んでいます。 みなさん、日本語(にほんご)の勉強(べんきょう)は楽しい(たのしい)ですか?私は、英語(えいご)と中国語(ちゅうごくご)を勉強(べんきょう)しています。 外国語(がいこくご)の勉強(べんきょう)は大変(たいへん)ですけど、とても楽しい(たのしい)ですね!ぜひ、私と一緒(いっしょ)に楽しく日本語を勉強しましょう。 私の趣味(しゅみ)は、旅行(りょこう)です。いろいろな場所(ばしょ)で、おいしい食べ物(たべもの)を食べるのが大好き(だいすき)です。
Attendance rate
Response rate

Japanese Lessons

Trial Lesson
100 lessons completed
USD 13.00+
Japanese General Conversation Practice | 会話の練習
A2 -  C2


1,092 lessons completed
USD 14.00+
Package with 5% off
Grammar for beginner to intermediate | 初級から中級の文法
A1 -  B2

Language Essentials

545 lessons completed
USD 15.00+
Package with 5% off
Kanji Practice|漢字の練習
A1 -  C2

Language Essentials

122 lessons completed
USD 15.00+
Package with 5% off


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)
My creations
Podcast (10)
Quiz (21)

219 Reviews

Student Cyril
84 Japanese lessons
今日もありがとうございました😄!We practiced a lot of grammar points today. Class was really great. The class feels very natural, she helped me so much with my Japanese and now I can go through most of the class in only Japanese. Thank you so much!
Jan 30, 2025
Student Cyril
84 Japanese lessons
今日もありがとうございました🙂!We practiced 敬語 for the last couple of classes. It took me some time to get engrained into my brain, and I still have to practice it more but she has been patient with me throughout the entire process. We practiced other grammar points after 敬語. Class was really fun and I’m always looking forward to it. Thank you again! 😄
Jan 27, 2025
Student Darren•Sengge
1 Japanese lesson
Jan 24, 2025
Student Cyril
84 Japanese lessons
今日もありがとうございました😄! We practiced 敬語 today and last class. I’m having difficulty remembering everything and it’s really tough. She doesn’t rush me through anything though. She takes her time and helps me make sure I fully understand what is going on. The practice is really helping, and it keeps me from losing confidence. Thank you again! Class is always amazing, have a nice day!
Jan 13, 2025
Student Cyril
84 Japanese lessons
ありがとうございました🙂! We went through a lot of new material and she helped me review past material I was confused about. I have a lot of other things keeping me busy in life right now. As a result, my time to study Japanese has dropped, but she’s very patient with me and still helps me study when I can. Thank you again!
Jan 12, 2025
Student Cyril
84 Japanese lessons
今日もありがとうございました😊!授業は楽しかった。We’re both busy right now, so the time between classes has been a bit long but we’re always able to continue right back where we left off. Class is always fun and interesting. There are some topics I struggle with, but she helps me through them at a really good pace. Thank you again! I’m looking forward to the next class
Jan 6, 2025
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