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Learn Polish with experienced language tutors

Immerse yourself in the Polish language with our online Polish courses. Our skilled Polish tutors will guide you through comprehensive lessons, covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Choose the pace and focus that suits your needs, and start your journey towards fluency today.

Learn Polish with the teacher Patricia.

10.9k Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Certified IELTS(English)/DALF,DELF,TCF,TEF(French) professor with 15 years of teaching experience When one makes a decision about the work he will do in life, it is important that the decision be based on criteria that reflect his personal values, temperaments, experiences, and skills. My choice of teaching as a career was not made lightly; rather, it was the culmination of a process of reflection about what I wanted to do with my life and my education. I have chosen education as a career because I believe that education is perhaps the most important function performed in our culture, or for that matter, any culture. I wanted to be part of this noble profession, and someday to be counted among those in whom future preservice teachers found inspiration.

USD 12.00/trial
Available 14:15 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Bartosz Ostrowski.

611 Lessons

Bartosz Ostrowski

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Dyplomowany nauczyciel i egzaminator I want to teach you how to use Polish in specific situations like ordering coffee, doing the shopping or booking a hotel room but also how to simply make a small talk or deeper conversations. No matter what's you level of proficiency I will help you improve your pronunciation so you will be understood be others. I'm really flexible as a teacher so knowing what someone needs and expects is important to me because it helps me organize my work better.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Jan Hanna.

952 Lessons

Jan Hanna

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish
Arabic (Egyptian)
Arabic (Modern Standard)

I graduated from the department of languages at University and I have experience in teaching non-native Arabic speakers. I have taught Arabic to a number of students and they all loved the language. I enjoy teaching Arabic to my students. I can teach just adults in a simple and uncomplicated way. We can have conversations together as well as grammar lessons and writing skills. I can also give homework to each student to prepare on their own and then we can review it together during our next lesson. I am so patient, flexible and friendly. I can repeat many times. I am also so flexible, I don't have a problem if a student asks me to change the topic or reschedule lessons....

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Maria.

1,968 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

👁‍🗨 I'm also a student on this platform and that gives me a view on teaching from a student perspective. I see the importance of preparation and involvement of a teacher as well as good communication between a student and a teacher. 🎯 My priority is to adjust the style of a lesson to your needs and goals. 🔑 I offer you my help with learning to speak and understand Polish language. I will teach you expressions useful on a daily basis. I will convince you that there is no reason to be scared of grammar.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Marcin.

99 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Cierpliwy i skuteczny 👍 korepetytor z Polski - z wieloletnim doświadczeniem Репетитор з Польщі, носій польської мови з багаторічним досвідом тренувальних спілкувань польською з українцями. Пропоную вам науку натуральним методом, тобто через розмову (po polsku). Я поляк, польська мова - моя рідна, живу постійно у Польщі. Вільно розмовляю українською. Що правда я не філолог, але мова взагалі це для мене як постійне сильне захоплення, яким я ділюся з іншими людьми. Це просто дуже подобається мені. Маю за собою вже багаторічний досвід таких ...тренувальних спілкувань з українцями. Зверніть увагу, будь ласка, що російською мовою не розмовляю. Не навчаю від нуля. Dłuższy opis - po polsku - znajduje się przy zajęciach. Tutaj nie ma na to miejsca.

USD 12.00/Hour
Learn Polish with the teacher Oleg.

234 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Преподаватель польского и русского языков/Polish and Russian teacher For more than two years I have been a teacher of the Polish language, I have a C2 certificate from the State Language Commission of Poland. Living in the country, I focus on live Polish, and not on old cliché phrases from textbooks. I conduct lessons based on the goals of the student: work, study, moving to permanent residence, a police school. I will also help you prepare for the state language exam

USD 5.00/trial
Available 14:15 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Grzegorz :).

620 Lessons

Grzegorz :)

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Polish native speaker / Positive guy😅 / Tech enthusiast⚙️👋 Jestem opanowanym i wyrozumiałym człowiekiem, zawsze patrzącym pozytywnie na to co przynosi los. Sam prywatnie posiadam przyjaciół z innych krajów których uczę języka polskiego, zawsze dawało mi to ogrom frajdy. Dlatego też postanowiłem zacząć wspierać innych ludzi, właśnie tu na ITALKI. Wychodzę z założenia że nauka powinna być przyjemna i odbywać się w pozytywnej, zabawnej atmosferze. W swoich lekcjach stawiam przede wszystkim na rozwój umiejętności komunikacyjnych, i przełamaniu strachu przed mówieniem.

USD 6.50/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Halina.

79 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Experienced, Certified, Professional Online English and Polish Teacher. I have a lot of experience teaching English for different purposes and helping students prepare for Cambridge exams and IELTS. I am very familiar with the latest resources and achievements in teaching English. I have a lot of experience using the latest computer and internet programs, making my classes exciting and interactive. I have traveled extensively abroad on many continents, which has given me a lot of experience and made me culturally aware. I holistically convey knowledge, pay attention to the language itself, develop.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 16:00 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Monika G. Skirzynska.

1,296 Lessons

Monika G. Skirzynska

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Professional teacher of Polish - Jagiellonian University, Masters Degree I’m a Polish language teacher as well as music and art. I graduated from Polish studies at the Jagiellonian University and postgraduate studies in music and fine arts at the University of Rzeszow. I was teaching Polish language for 27 years in Polish school. My work was awarded many times by the headmistress and the mayor of my city. My lessons have won recognition from the inspectors of the Board of Education.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Karol.

725 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

I believe in learning by practice - listening and conversation. Of course, some regular exercise can be of use, but the most important thing in learning process is to become an autonomic participant of communication.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 08:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Michał.

62 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Please let me know, if you want to have a lesson on a day when I'm "off". I'm a friendly, native Polish teacher who has some experience of teaching Polish at all levels and all ages.

USD 9.00/trial
Available 17:00 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Margarita.

7,445 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

I'm a full-time teacher of English in a state and private school in Warsaw. I have been teaching English in a classroom for over 20 years, both to children and adults from levels A1 to C1. I respect all my students and I try to encourage and motivate them first of all, giving them a lot of praise and showing them how easy English is. I have a lot of experience teaching special needs children. I demand from myself a lot first of all, trying to be very creative at the same time. I prepare Polish students for Gymnasium Exam and Egzamin Omoklasity, which are state exams.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Marta.

273 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Experienced teacher speaking Polish, English and Japanese I teach Polish in English and Japanese. 日本語対応OK!With over 8 years of experience teaching Polish, English, and Japanese, both in person and online, I've learned one thing for sure: every learner is unique. That's why my teaching approach is all about flexibility and adaptation. Want to follow a structured textbook? We can do that! Craving real-life conversation skills and casual chat? I'm your guide! My lessons are built around your individual goals and preferences. Apart from achieving your learning goals, creating a warm and relaxed atmosphere during lessons is my top priority.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Tomasz.

2,038 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

High quality learning experience! I love to transmit energy, passion and motivation to learn a new language. Every lesson that you sign up for, comes with a promise to give you my very best attitude, enthusiasm and knowledge. Throughout years of self-learning I have developed a set of habits and practices that help making significant progress once applied. I base my lessons on a very natural and communicative approach to my students where what you learn is put in practice straightaway as if you spent time with your language friend rather than a teacher. You sign up for: ✓ Fun atmosphere. ✓ Being led through the process of learning. ✓ Tailor-made materials. ✓ Tons of practice and tools to learn. ✓ Effective progress.

USD 20.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Magdalena.

2,352 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Certified TEFL Teacher, DALF C2 holder & native Polish speaker with 15+ years of teaching experience I've been teaching Polish, French, English, and occasionally Italian, mostly 1-on-1, for many years. My experience in teaching French and English exceeds 15 years. I have a Master's Degree in English Studies, a TEFL certificate and a DALF C2 certificate in French. I know how to teach, but as a multilingual person I also know how to learn. I've tested countless tools and techniques on myself. I aced B2 exams in French and Italian after fewer than 3 years of learning so I know a lot about effective language learning. Please note: I charge 100% for last minute cancellations (less than 24 hours in advance). Thank you for your understanding.

USD 12.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Olya FCE/CAE exams ✅.

2,557 Lessons

Olya FCE/CAE exams ✅

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

C2 (Proficiency level) Neurolanguage Coach, FCE/CAE/CPE/IELTS/TOEFL trainer, Business English tutor In a nutshell: - 3rd place at the all-Ukrainian Student Olympiad (English Language and Litearture); - 7 years of experience; - worked with children, teenagers, adults; - best materials; - engaging lessons.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Michał Kuczerajter.

355 Lessons

Michał Kuczerajter

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Moje doświadczenie głównie polega na nauce języków obcych na własną rękę - dzięki temu (także poprzez metodę prób i błędów) poznałem różne techniki nauki języków obcych, które mam zamiar użyć i dostosować do Ciebie tak, żeby nasze zajęcia były jak najbardziej spersonalizowane.

USD 5.99/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Polish with Pauline.

812 Lessons

Polish with Pauline

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Feel like you are talking to a friend! 🚀We focus on things that are necessary to start speaking as soon as possible 🚀 We work on materials that I prepare myself (presentations, quizzes, interactive materials, flashcards) and that are tailored to your skills and needs 🚀We do revisions every class 🚀You have your own Google Document to which I add new vocabulary from the class, materials and homework (if you want) after each class 💖As already at the age of 6 I was pretending to be a teacher and teaching an invisible class, classes with you on Italki are pure pleasure for me. I feel fulfilled here and I appreciate every student who wants to learn with me. I am grateful that my childhood dream has come true and for each of you.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 14:15 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Wioleta.


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Polish Teacher Jako nauczyciel staram się być zawsze dla moich uczniów wsparciem oraz motywować ich do dalszej nauki i przezwyciężania trudności w nauce. Zaletą moich lekcji jest atmosfera - przyjazna i pozytywna. Jestem osobą uważną i dokładną, dlatego zwracam uwagę na błędy oraz niedociągnięcia i widzę je jako wspaniałe okazje do rozwoju!

USD 20.00/trial
Available 14:15 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Tomasz.

116 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Nauczaniem języka polskiego zajmuję się od stycznia 2021 roku. Jest to moja pasja i sposób na spędzenie wolnego czasu. Lubię pomagać w innym w osiągnięciu celu jakim jest opanowanie języka, niezależnie od poziomu zaawansowania i wieku. Na lekcjach możemy także korzystać z materiałów pomocniczych, które przesyłam po zarezerwowaniu zajęć. Oferuję: - konwersacje na wiele tematów - poprawę błędów gramatycznych - naukę czytania i pisania - tłumaczenie tekstów, filmów - materiały dydaktyczne - indywidualne podejście

USD 5.00/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Polish classes

To find a qualified Polish tutor for online classes, follow these steps. Firstly, visit the italki website and go to the Polish language section. Browse through the profiles of various tutors, focusing on their qualifications, teaching experience, and student reviews. Narrow down your options based on your learning preferences, such as teaching style and availability. Reach out to potential tutors to inquire about their teaching methods and approach. Consider taking trial lessons with a few tutors to assess their teaching style and your compatibility. This process will help you find a qualified Polish tutor who suits your learning needs and goals.

Polish tutors on italki come with a variety of qualifications that enhance their teaching expertise. Many possess formal education in languages, linguistics, or teaching Polish as a foreign language. They might hold degrees in these fields or have completed specialized language teaching courses. Additionally, tutors often have extensive experience teaching Polish to learners of diverse backgrounds. Many display their teaching certifications, such as certificates in language teaching or specific language proficiency exams. When selecting a tutor, look for those with a combination of education, experience, and positive student feedback, as these factors indicate their qualifications and ability to effectively teach Polish.

Yes, online Polish classes are highly effective for language learning. They offer a flexible and convenient way to learn Polish from the comfort of your own home. With access to qualified and experienced Polish tutors, you can receive personalized instruction that caters to your learning style and goals. These classes include interactive lessons, practice exercises, and real-time conversations, fostering a dynamic and immersive learning experience. Additionally, online platforms often provide a range of resources, including multimedia materials and language tools. Regular interaction with a tutor and consistent practice through online classes contribute significantly to improving your Polish language skills, whether you’re a beginner or looking to advance your proficiency.

Absolutely, you can schedule Polish classes according to your availability when learning online. One of the key benefits of online learning platforms like italki is their flexibility. You have the freedom to choose lesson times that suit your schedule, making it convenient for students with various commitments. This flexibility ensures that you can fit your Polish lessons seamlessly into your daily routine, whether you have a busy work schedule, family responsibilities, or other activities. The ability to tailor your class timings according to your availability enables you to learn at your own pace and make consistent progress in mastering the Polish language.

To take online Polish classes, you typically need a computer or device with a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone. italki uses video conferencing tools, so having a headset or earphones with a built-in microphone can enhance audio quality. italki has it’s own classroom. You don’t need to download any additional software or tools. Absolutely, you can also download or use communication software like Skype, Zoom, or a platform-specific tool recommended by your tutor. It’s important to ensure your device’s software is up to date and that you have a quiet and well-lit space for effective communication during lessons. Your tutor will provide guidance on any specific requirements they have for their online Polish classes.

Ready to start learning Polish today? Sign up now to find the perfect Polish teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!