Why is it , "Россия вот здесь"? I know that both вот and здесь mean " here". So, what's the point of using both in this place? 🤔
Jan 17, 2021 7:44 AM
Answers · 6
Вот it's when you show something word. You can use it with here or there or alone if it "right here": Вот -"showing"😉
January 17, 2021
This is just a more emphatic way of saying здесь (here). Вот здесь - right here Вон там - right there
January 17, 2021
1. "Вот" doesn't equal "here". It's like you show something with your finger. In this case, you show the country on the map. Using it instead of "здесь" and "там" can be wrong. 2. "Россия здесь" could sound like you in Russia now. Yes, you can say it, it's right. But when you add "вот" your speech sounds more natural.
January 17, 2021
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