how many words did you learn today?

can you share them with us?

Mar 25, 2013 9:23 PM
Comments · 3

montar en bicicleta = riding the bicycle estoy flojo = I’m lazy trabajador = worker creativo = creative deportista = sport activo = active alto = tall delgada = thin gorda = fat sincera = sincere parlachin = talker platicar = talk, conversation ocupada = busy ánimo = humor alegre = cheerful estas de mal humor = are you in a bad mood guapo = handsome hambriento = hungry estudio = study timida = shy miedosa = scared amigable = friendly bajito = short jugador = player esquiador = skier patinador = skater gimnasta = gymnast cantante = singer sobre hielo = on ice

March 26, 2013

Odd = rare

Sake = like good...

Soulmate = better half 

Awaits = wait 

Disease = illness 

March 25, 2013

Today I learned, those words:

- astonishing, that means surprising, amazing.

- figure out, that means discover, find out.

- slightly, that means lightly.


That's it!

March 25, 2013