Jon Smith
Can my Russian friends please comment at least one Russian word you use everyday with the English meaning.

Hey, guys I'm trying to learn Russian so please help me out! 

Apr 22, 2014 6:35 AM
Comments · 2

I am not Russian, but I would recommend you something that you can find here:



April 22, 2014

Привет - Privet - Hi (informal)

Здавствуйте - Zdrastvuyte - Hello (formal)

Как дела? - Kak dela? - How are you?

Хорошо - Harasho - 1. well 2.that's ok 3.I'm ok 

Замечательно - Zamechatelno - I'm fine 

Так себе - Tak sebe - so so

Еда - Eda - Food

Одежда - Odezhda - clothes

Вода - voda - water

Машина - mashina - car

Мама - mama

Папа - papa

Брат - Brat - Brother

Сестра - Sestra - Sister

Бабушка - Bababushka - Grandmother

Дедушка - Dedushka - Grandfater

Пожалуйста - Pozhaluysta - 1. Please 2. You are welcome

Спасибо - Spasiba - Thanks


Hope I help :)


P.S. Write here what words or words of what topic you want to translate , I can help you :)



April 22, 2014