"Деп айту", "деу", және "деген" қалай істеміз? Қандай парық бар? 它们有撒区别?怎么用?
May 11, 2011 8:16 AM
Answers · 6
"Деп айту",得这样说 要这样说,强调"айту"...一般一个人对另一个人纠正 称述时使用.. "деу",得... sin minani bulay is dey kerik...你这件事情得这样做,you should do it like this. "деген",另外一个..erjan,zholwars degen ati bar...erjan also have a name,lion. maybe I can help you to study Kazakh Language :)
May 11, 2011
Деп айту usually follows after any word or sentence and means "to say smth. like this". For ex., Барамын деп айту - To say that I will go. Деу means to say or to say smth. For ex., Сау бол деу - To say good bye. Деген depends on the context it's used. If we use it according to people, for ex., Ануар деген адам, this will mean The man who's name is Anuar. Secondly, if we use it to places, for ex., Алмалы деген ауыл, then in this context it will mean The village which is called or named Almaly. We see that in previous cases it is used in the meaning of "who is" or "which is" and "what is". And thirdly, деген is also might come as a verb (past time of деу used for the third person). For ex., Ол парктемiн деген - She said that she was in the park. Деу - to say. Деген - said.
February 20, 2016
ДЕП АЙТУ,ДЕУ - екеуі синоним, яғни мағыналары бірдей, осы шақта қолданылады. Ал ДЕГЕН болса, өткен шақта қолданылады. Мысал: 1) "не фарқы бар?" емес, "не айырмашылығы бар?" ДЕУ керек немесе "қандай айырмашылығы бар?" ДЕП АЙТУ керек. 2) "Ниет болса адамда, қиын іс жоқ ғаламда" ДЕГЕН екен атам қазақ кезінде.
March 28, 2012
I can help you. I'm from Kazakhstan and I know Kazakh language very good. do you have skype account? My account is nuzhan.uzakbayev. Add me
January 8, 2012
It's a very good question. "dep ayt-" means "say", but "de-" doesn't necessarily mean "say", it means "mean/think/have intention". The participle from "de-" "degen" is used in the meaning "called" or in order to emphasize the subject.
August 9, 2011
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