Lee Jung-Youl
Please translate it..--->>>여행자에 대한 애완 동물 새들은 전염성 질병의 흔적이 발견되지되기 전에 임상 시험 가금류 수출의 결과를 가지고 있습니다. Sorry, my question was something worng with the sentence.. I will write again it. 여행자가 휴대하는 애완용 조류에 대하여는 수출전 임상검사결과 가금전염성 질병의 어떠한 징후도 발견되지 않았다
May 21, 2011 9:22 AM
Answers · 6
When I take my pet bird to another country, the immigration officials should write down the bird's sanitary condition according to their own regulations.
May 21, 2011
Do you mean: If poultry are checked for signs of infectious disease before travel and they are not found to be infectious before the results of clinical trials , the poultry exporters can have them.
May 21, 2011
Before I take my pet bird to another country, the the bird will be inspected for infectious diseases by its country's officials. The bird's sanitary condition will be written on its health certificate.
May 22, 2011
Is it correct? Traveler pet birds for signs of infectious disease is not found, poultry exporter before the results of clinical trials have them. I used Google traslator as result of it.
May 21, 2011
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