How do I say "for the purpose of" in Japanese? How is it best to add more information about a noun? I'm trying to add my "looking for" status on italki. Using my dictionary, this seemed like a good option: 英語に興味を持って日本人を探しています。特に言語交換のためのシドニーに住んでいる日本語母語話者を探しています。 (I am looking for Japanese people interested in English. In particular, I'm looking for Japanese native speakers living in Sydney for language exchange.) 1) これらの文章は大丈夫ですか? 2) Is のための okay in this case? If not, how should I express "for the purpose of"? 3) Does the 'te form' work for adding more information to the noun? How should I add the "living in Sydney" and "interested in English" qualifiers to the nouns? Also, please let me know if there's a good way to say the above "looking for" statement in Japanese that sounds natural and friendly :) ありがとうございます!
Jun 25, 2013 7:39 AM
Answers · 3
1) これらの文章は大丈夫ですか? "英語に興味を持っている日本人を探しています。言語交換がしたいので、シドニーに住んでいる日本語が母国語の人を特に探しています。" sounds much more natural I think. 2) Is のための okay in this case? If not, how should I express "for the purpose of"? You can say "ために" instead of "ための" here. But, "I would like to (したい)" sounds softer than "for the purpose of" and becomes politer. Do you know what I mean? Also, please let me know if there's a good way to say the above "looking for" statement in Japanese that sounds natural and friendly :) ”探しています” is natural and friendly(ˑˆᴗˆˑ)
June 25, 2013
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