Fruit Survey Dear Italki members, I need help translating a survey into Chinese for my Chinese class tomorrow. Pinyin and characters would be appreciated. Thank you! Fruit sales survey 1) What types of fruit does the shop sell? 2) Which fruits are expensive to buy? 3) Which fruits are the cheapest to buy? 4) Where do the fruits mainly come from? Which provinces/Cities in China? (ask the staff for help) 5) Are there any fruits which the shop sells which come from other countries? Which countries/which fruits? (ask the staff for help) 6) What are the most popular fruits customers are buying now during this season? (ask staff) KInd Regards Miguel
Nov 30, 2014 11:37 AM
Answers · 5
水果销售状况调查 shui guo xiao shou zhuang kuang diao cha 1.店里销售哪几种水果? dian li xiao shou na ji zhong shui guo? 2.哪种水果售价最贵? na zhong shui guo zui gui? 3.哪种水果售价最便宜? na zhong shui guo zui pian yi? 4.这些水果主要产自哪里?产地是中国的哪个省/哪个城市?(向员工寻求帮助) zhe xie shui guo zhu yao chan zi na li? chan di shi zhong guo de na ge sheng/ na ge cheng shi? (xiang yuan gong xun qiu bang zhu) 5.水果店销售进口水果吗?它们来自哪些国家?.是哪几种水果? dian li xiao shou jin kou shui guo ma? ta men lai zi na xie guo jia?/ shi na ji zhong shui guo? 6.当季最畅销的是哪种水果? dang ji zui chang xiao de shi na zhong shui guo?
November 30, 2014
Fruit sales survey 水果销售调查 SHUI3 GUO3 XIAO1 SHOU4 DIAO4 CHA2 1) What types of fruit does the shop sell? 商店里卖哪些水果? SHANG1 DIAN4 LI3 MAI4 NA3 XIE1 SHUI3 GUO3? 2) Which fruits are expensive to buy? 哪些水果比较贵?NA3 XIE1 SHUI3 GUO3 BI3 JIAO4 GUI4? 3) Which fruits are the cheapest to buy? 哪些水果最便宜? NA3 XIE1 SHUI3 GUO3 ZUI4 PIAN2 YI4? 4) Where do the fruits mainly come from? Which provinces/Cities in China? (ask the staff for help) 水果主要是在哪里出产的? 中国的哪些省/市? SHUI3 GUO3 ZHU3 YAO4 SHI4 ZAI4 NA3 LI3 CHU1 CHAN3 DE1? ZHONG1 GUO2 DE1 NA3 XIE1 SHENG3/SHI4? (询问店员 XUN2 WEN4 DIAN4 YUAN2) 5) Are there any fruits which the shop sells which come from other countries? Which countries/which fruits? (ask the staff for help) 商店里是否出售国外进口的水果? 什么国家的什么水果?SHANG1 DIAN4 LI3 SHI4 FOU3 CHU1 SHOU4 GUO2 WAI4 JIN4 KOU3 DE1 SHUI3 GUO3? (询问店员 XUN2 WEN4 DIAN4 YUAN2) 6) What are the most popular fruits customers are buying now during this season? (ask staff) 这个季节最受顾客欢迎的水果是哪些? ZHE4 GE4 JI4 JIE2 ZUI4 SHOU4 GU4 KE4 HUAN1 YING3 DE1 SHUI3 GUO3 SHI4 NA3 XIE1? (询问店员 XUN2 WEN4 DIAN4 YUAN2)
November 30, 2014
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