"Wie soll ein Mensch das etragen" - trying to understand the lyrics to this song? Lately I've been using song lyrics as a way to improve my German. Basically, I'll take a song I really like and go through the lyrics, looking up words I don't know and trying to understand the lyrics as best I can. Right now I'm really into Philipp Poisel, and I've been working on "Wie soll ein Mensch das ertragen." I know most of the words, but even after looking up the words I didn't know, for some reason I'm having difficulty grasping the full meaning of the lyrics. Any help? It's mainly the lines: "Stell dich vor meine Mitte. Leg dich in jede Figur. Werf dich in jeden meiner Schritte." It's one thing to understand the literal translation, but I want to really feel what he was trying to convey. Danke schön!
Feb 2, 2016 4:58 PM
Answers · 2
Er liebt sie so sehr und er will , daß sie bei ihm ist. Wahrscheinlich geht das nicht, sie mag ihn auch nicht genug , er findet es unerträglich und drückt es so aus Stell dich vor meine Mitte. Leg dich in jede Figur. Werf dich in jeden meiner Schritte. As you probably know the literal translation ,what he wants to express here is his desperation to have her by his side, he would do anything to win her over , " Ich führe dich ,wohin du willst " .He wants her to engage in his every step , to interfere with his life and not to stay so aloof ,probably not caring for him at all. In short , h e is trying to pull her leg lol , but in a very dramatic way !
February 2, 2016
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