怎么翻译 "谁爱当谁当去" 和 "七拖八拖" 这两个句子什么意思? 怎么翻译?
Feb 11, 2016 9:51 PM
Answers · 7
“谁爱当谁当去”,比如,(在竞选学生会主席时),我说:“谁爱当(学生会主席)谁当(学生会主席)去”, 表面的意思是:如果谁愿意当学生会主席,那么就去当(学生会主席)。 实际的意思是:我不想去当(学生会主席)。或者对当学生会主席没有兴趣。 “七拖八拖”,知道这件事需要去做,但是一直不去做。 比如,你让我买一张机票。今天你问我:‘’机票买了吗?“我说:”没有“。第二天,你问我:‘’机票买了吗?“我说:”没有“。第三天,你问我:‘’机票买了吗?“我说:”没有“。。。一个月过去了,我还没有买,你会说:”别七拖八拖了,快帮我买吧。”
February 14, 2016
谁爱当谁当去 =Who wanna be the leader who will be the leader?= who cares? 七拖八拖=Delay something many times.
February 11, 2016
“谁爱当谁当去” 表示对这个东西不感兴趣,不屑一顾! “七拖八拖” 表示要完成一件事情,总是不去行动,一而再再而三的拖着,形容做事拖拖拉拉 “谁爱当谁当去” means "i don't like it and have no stomach for it " “七拖八拖” means“someone want to do something ,he don't do it immediately,take very long time and do it very tardiness."
July 21, 2016
The sentence can be broke into 誰愛當, 誰當去. Or simplified as 誰愛當, 誰當, means whoever would like to go for some position, then just let this person take the position.
February 21, 2016
“谁爱当谁当去” ,it means"who want to be just to be"(speaker doesnt care about "someone will be (getting a good job or good title or something else like these...)") "七拖八拖",it means "delay and delay" these two phrases have feeling of complaint...
February 14, 2016
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