How to say 'go cross country skiing' ? Quick question, how do I say "We will go cross country skiing." in Finnish? Is it, "Me menemme maastohiihto." or is 'maastohiihto' actually a verb to be conjugated? An important Finnish phrase, to be sure! Thank you in advance!
Dec 10, 2016 7:44 PM
Answers · 4
Hi Greg! `Maastohiihto` is actually the name of the sport, cross country skiing. However, because Finnish is a freaky language, you have to conjugate the subjunctive as well. The correct form is " Me menemme maastohiihtämään." In English it could be directly translated "We are going to cross country ski." I hope this was helpful! J.
December 16, 2016
Thank you for the answer!
February 7, 2017
Actually Greg, we wouldn't say "maastohiihtämään". We would just say: "Menemme hiihtämään", as it is a given that it's cross-country. If we go do slalom, we say: "Menemme laskettelemaan." (downhill skiing)
February 7, 2017
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