Can I use a comma? My husband moved into our house as is the way with us in Esarn.

Should i add a comma before "as"?

Should i use a comma before as in an atttibutive clause?

Nov 13, 2018 5:21 AM
Answers · 7
I would say a comma is good. A semicolon needs more meaning to the sentence, like a reason or explanation or something - but your sentence is simple. :)
November 13, 2018
November 13, 2018
I agree with Daniel about the comma. A semicolon could work to, if you change "as" to "that" so that the part after the semicolon is a full clause (subject "that" plus verb "is") rather than just a fragment without a subject. A semicolon (in my experience/opinion) needs to have full clauses on both sides of it, just like a period does.
November 13, 2018
You would use a semicolon. You write a full sentence then you add a note about that sentence. The note you use is a different thought, if you want to think of it that way.
November 13, 2018
I personally would because you are speaking about two different objectives in one sentence. The first being the House. The 2nd being your culture. Tho I've been prone to make mistakes with commas too, but I think I am right on this one.
November 13, 2018
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