be the change that you wish to see in the world~mahatama ghandi mother theresa, mahatama ghandi, albert einstein, and Issa are my heros... they were the change that the world needed at that time and effected the future for all time. what changes do you wish to see in the world and why? can you be that change? why or why not? do you believe that everyone if they believed as ghandi could change the world for the better?
Aug 14, 2008 11:44 PM
Answers · 8
First, I'm gonna tell you a short the story of a guy who wanted to change the whole world but unfortunatly he did nothing . And When he was about to die he asked himself , "Did i change the world ? " Nop . "Did i change my country ? " , Nop . "Did i change my province ? " Nop . "Did i change my city ? " Nop. "Did i change my street ? " Nop. "Did i change my family ? " Nop. "Did i change myself ? " Nop. After all this questions the guy knew how to climb the mountain , but it's too late to do . The 1000Km journey begins with a step ,then step by step you can do it .I say like the local common saying : " The huge fire comes from a little spark ", Little stones make the mountain , so we cannot neglect any effort although it's too small . I think that the first step to the change is changing ourselves ,then closest friends and family and go on.I wish to see lot of changes in this world , the first thing i want ot see is ,all this hypocrisy and hate wiped away , and to see people tearing this ugly face of the world and subtute it by a beautiful one.I know that it won't be a Utopia but at least i want to see the truth and justice have the higher hand on this earth . yes , of course , everyone wishs to be the hero who saves this earth and makes it much better, And it comes never by wishes but by working hard .
August 15, 2008
before ghandi , there were a great men who changed the world ,and ghandi was inspired from what they ran through , I think yes . if everyone does his best we will change the world to the best . those people , how did they do to change the world ? they carried the huge responsability on their shoulders and they sacrified lot of things that normal persons cannot sacrifice ,they tried hard to give and not to ask , give more than what they've been asked to do , they put their Ego and selfish benefits beside . finally , i guess that we can learn a lot stuff if we study deeply how great men did, to have a shortcuts for the real change . here you can see The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_100 Peace out :-)
August 15, 2008
The great change that a person can do ever was in our prophet Mohammed ( peace and mercy be upon him) He guided people to the right path. This not only my talk as a muslim person but also western people .The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_100 .Some poeple were born with talents.They can do beautiful things with their skills, knowledge and technology.But no one is as talented as the person who does any change to a better life.If he/she just comes near and the beauty will already there!!! Hope to be one of them.
August 16, 2008
THE FOLLOWING IS NOT DIRECTED AGAINST ANY PERSON!!! It was last night. I met a new guy on italki and added him on MSN. And we soon started to talk. It was easy and pleasant at first, getting to know each other and tutoring some Chinese. So far, so good. Everything had been going on the right way. However, the way suddenly turned left when one word showed up on the screen--POLITICS... I won't describe the process as well as the result. No dirty words or bloody faces of course. What I'd like to say is that, sometimes, changes do take place, in a tough and slow manner, but it is the people that disregard and even defame the changes. Efforts to carry out changes are not acknowledged. Changers are powerless. I felt speechless.
August 15, 2008
Yes, this is one of my mottoes Cindy. If the people of a country are determined to have something changed eg logging, global warming etc they can do it. The peace marches of the early 1970's influenced governments to end the Vietnam war. The same applied to the Baltic States regaining their independence in 1991.
August 15, 2008
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