We all know that disagreeing is not a simple thing. 

It puts us in an uncomfortable position and we are called to measure our words if we do not want to hurt someone’s sensibility. 

That is why it is highly important to know how to express our disagreement politely and respectfully. 

For example, if you want to express your disagreement in Italian, you should definitely avoid saying something like: 

  • «No, non hai ragione!», because it is exactly the equivalent of saying «No, you are not right!» 
  • «Hai torto!», literally «You’re in the wrong!» 
  • «Non sono per niente d’accordo con te/con questo punto.», which is like saying «I totally disagree with you/with this point - I don’t agree at all.» 

For this reason, I do not recommend these previous options, especially in the workplace, because they are too straight and sharp and you might be perceived as rude. 

I would instead suggest saying something like: 

1. «Non sono (proprio) d’accordo con te/con questo punto.» 

If you say this, you are not saying that you totally disagree with the other person’s idea, but rather that you partially agree with what they have just said and that there is only a little piece of the discourse with which you disagree. 

Indeed, using the adverb “proprio” is a great way to mitigate the tension of expressing contradictions and let the interlocutor down the guard.

2. «Capisco quello che stai dicendo, ma penso che…» 

This sentence is like saying «Yes, I see your point, everything makes sense, but I think that…» and then give your reasons. 

The Italian adversative conjunction for but is ma

Having your own opinion is important, and if it differs from someone else’s, you do not have to feel guilty about that. 

Being able to mitigate and find a way of expressing your opinion politely will help you maintain a good and constructive relationship with the people around you. 

The next three ways of expressing disagreement are pretty similar in meaning, so it is up to you to choose the one that better suits you. 

You can say: 

3. «Ho un’opinione (completamente) diversa.» 

This sentence literally means «I totally see it differently», which is fair enough I would say. You are just informing the other person that you think differently. 

4. «Personalmente, la vedo in modo diverso.» 

Literally: «Personally, I don’t see that way.» 

Again you are just expressing your way of thinking about the situation. 

5. «La penso/vedo diversamente.» 

Literally: «I see it differently.» 

These three ways of disagreeing might appear a bit straighter to you, but I guess that they are also very diplomatic. 

Even in this way you are not saying that your interlocutor is in the wrong, but simply that your opinion differs from theirs. 

Furthermore, imagine that maybe you agree with most of your interlocutor’s discourse, but there is that little detail that you do not particularly enjoy. 

Go for these last two options: 

6. «Sono in disaccordo con te su questo punto.» 

To mean «I disagree on this (specific) point.» 

Another way to say the same thing could be: 

7. «Sono d’accordo con te, ma fino a un certo punto.» 

Which is like «I agree with you up to a certain point.»

What do you think?  

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