На добраніч(Updated)
Building a successful career is not easy peasy, but it certainly enriches my life at the same time. Although I still can't see any bright future in my career, I have decided to enjoy seeing colourful worlds in the rough sea called "my precious life"!
Feb 1, 2023 1:35 PM
Corrections · 4
Building a successful career is not easy peasy, but it certainly enriches my life at the same time. Although I still can't see a bright future in my career, I have decided to enjoy seeing colourful worlds in the rough sea called "my precious life"!
I love that image! I hope the colours are bright and beautiful to get you through the rough water.
February 2, 2023
Building a successful career is not easy peasy, but it is certainly enriching my life at the same time. Although I still can't see any bright future in my career, I have decided to enjoy seeing colourful (UK) / colorful (US) worlds in the rough sea that I call "my precious life"!
Good work. I hope the rough see will get quieter some day.
February 1, 2023
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