Yousha Ali
My big challenge is the memorizing the vocabularies when I speak, when I speak every words that I know just being lost and then it put me in an embarrassing situation in front of whoever I speak with, so I hope I can overcome this problem very soon.
Apr 21, 2022 12:01 AM
Corrections · 5
The biggest challenge for me is remembering the words when I am speaking. Sometimes when I speak, even words that I know, i just forget, and then it puts me in an embarrassing situation in front of whoever I am speaking with. so I hope I can overcome this problem very soon.
April 21, 2022
My biggest challenge is remembering the vocabularies when I speak. when I'm speaking I forget every word that I know and that puts me in an embarrassing situation in front of whoever I'm speaking with.I hope I can overcome this problem very soon.
Learning a new language can be challenging. You are doing your best and you will get better with time. Keep practicing. Cheering you on!
April 21, 2022
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