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Reading books in your target language is a great way to improve your language skills.
What are the 2 myths that get students distracted before/in the process of IELTS speaking?? What are your thoughts? The answer will be found below: IELTS Speaking myths. We'll 'de-myth' two together! What is a myth anyway? A myth, a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that is especially associated with religious belief. Where do myths come from? Generally speaking a myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths. Myths also come from 'imagining' what took place and forming an idea of it and then sharing it with others as if it actually took place. Of course it takes place in language learning and in IELTS speaking test. We'll look into 2 myths students generally think about when it comes to IELTS speaking tests, they are: Myth 1 - I have to agree with my examiner’s opinion (if I don't ... ) Myth 2 - My speaking duration was only 9 minutes long (instead of 11-14). (If it is to occur I ...) You can finish the rest. You can listen to my podcast here: https://www.italki.com/en/post/v18CMsTyVdj6eEKRQgKCFW Do you have these kinds of thoughts running through your mind? Generally students say yes, you can be an exception but listen to the podcast just to see what not to do. It's highly recommended. Enjoy your process and I'd love to have an opportunity to assist the development of your spoken English in IELTS speaking or a job interview preparation instead of teaching you the rulles, grammar etc. See you in my classes.
25 lip 2024 12:37
🇯🇵日本語日記🇯🇵 2024年7月16日 朝起きて、寝る前に読みたい小説をはじめから開きました。 その小説の名前は、「夜は短し歩けよ乙女」といいます。作家は森見登美彦で、去年バンコクに泊まりながら紀伊國屋の店で買いました。まさか、今四冊の日本語小説を読んでいても、この本を読みたくなってしまうとは。理由は多分、また『四畳半神話大系』のアニメを見始めたからかもしれないです。そして、思っていたことは『四畳半より短くて、読みやすいだろう』と思ったけど、勘違いしていました。 オーディオブックを聴き、知らない単語を書きながらゆっくり読んでみました。しかし、作家の語り方に慣れないため、たくさんのはびっくりして1時間でわずか8ページしか読めず、変な感じがしました。 「日本語は上手です」と言われたときに今も僕が答えた「いええ、まだまだです」の意味は、そういうことかもしれません…😂
16 lip 2024 10:33
What you could turn to psychology to help you with English language related goals? If you'll turn to psychology and look at solutions for your English language-related goals, you'll find something I am here to help you gain—the understanding of secondary gains! In psychology, a secondary gain is when you benefit from a problem. It’s when you receive advantages from unwanted conditions, circumstances, or limitations. In other words, you benefit from not overcoming problems. It doesn’t mean the problem is positive, but the benefits of having the problem support you in keeping it rather than solving it. Secondary gains are guides to help you get unstuck. They’re an invitation to understand the advantages you receive from retaining problems instead of solving them. In simple terms, you crave attention and accidentally injure yourself. As a result, people care for you. You get what you want (attention), but at the expense of what you don’t want (injury). Is it now clear to you? What are your secondary gains from not following through on your language learning goals that you benefit from? Listen to my recording to get more ideas & be inspired: https://www.italki.com/en/post/YgikYWNEKeI3NtfcIUaCMG This might be a game-changer for you in learning to communicate in English confidently and fluently. Give it a go and allow yourself some space to think and resolve some uncommon issues. Good luck.
16 lip 2024 14:47
"EAT, PRAY, LOVE" BY ELIZABETH GILBERT It is a very popular book in the world, especially after a film adaptation. This inspiring story talks about 30+ years woman, who decided to change her life during a year of self-inquiry. At the beginning she got divorced, fell in another love and, finally, stopped it and went to the trip to three countries: Italy, India and Indonesia. In the first one she pursued to pleasure, in the second to devotion and in the third to balance and in the end she got love. I just took this novel for practice English (I have read it in original), but I became absolutely amazed. It's simple, but at the same time very treating text. After this, you really want to live the most excited and happiest life. I highly recommend it to those people who are tired of hollow motivational non-fiction but want something easier than hard classic novels. If you have already read it, I would be glad to see your review below in the comments.
15 lip 2024 06:54
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