Weather is a topic that often comes up in daily conversations, and having the right vocabulary to describe it can be incredibly useful. Many words and expressions in French describe different weather conditions, from sunny and rainy to windy and snowy.

In this blog post, we’ll explore various French weather words and phrases to help you expand your vocabulary and confidently discuss the weather in French-speaking countries.
100+ French weather words
Learning basic French words can give you the confidence to start speaking a foreign language in public. From everyday weather terms to extreme weather conditions, these terms can expand your vocabulary and enable you to start talking about the weather conditions in French.
Everyday weather terms in French
English | French | |
Present tense | It’s raining. | Il pleut. |
Past tense | It rained yesterday. | Il a plu hier. |
Future tense | It will rain next week. | Il va pleuvoir la semaine prochaine. |
Present tense | It’s sunny. | Il fait soleil. |
Past tense | It was sunny this morning. | Il faisait soleil ce matin. |
Future tense | It will be sunny this weekend. | Il fera soleil ce weekend. |
You must also learn the days of the week in French to discuss weather conditions. The list below carries common weather terminologies that you encounter daily:
English | French |
Sunny | Ensoleillé |
Cloudy | Nuageux |
Rainy | Pluvieux |
It’s raining | Il pleut |
It’s snowing | Il neige |
It’s hailing | Il grêle |
Sleet | Grésil |
Windy | Venté |
Overcast | Couvert |
Fog | Brouillard |
Stormy | Orageux |
Partly cloudy | Partiellement nuageux |
Blue sky | Ciel bleu |
Pouring | Pluie diluvienne |
Scattered showers | Averses éparses |
Sunrise | Lever du soleil |
Sunset | Coucher de soleil |
Dusk | Crépuscule |
Dawn | Aube |

Extreme weather conditions in French
Learning to talk about extreme weather conditions abroad is a lifesaver. You must learn the terminologies below to discuss extreme weather conditions in French.
English | French | |
Present tense | A hurricane is coming. | Un ouragan arrive. |
Past tense | There was a hurricane yesterday. | Il y a eu un ouragan hier. |
Future tense | There will be a hurricane tomorrow. | Il va y avoir un ouragan demain. |
Present tense | There’s a heatwave now. | C’est la canicule en ce moment. |
Past tense | There was a heatwave last week. | C’était la canicule la semaine dernière. |
Future tense | There will be a heatwave this weekend. | Ce sera la canicule ce week-end. |
Now check out different vocabulary words for extreme weather events:
English | French |
Hurricane | Ouragan |
Cyclone | Cyclone |
Cold front | Front froid |
Heatwave | Canicule |
Flood | Inondation |
Typhoon | Typhon |
Thunderstorm | Orage |
Tornado | Tornade |
Downpour | Averse |
Thunder | Tonnerre |
Lightning | Foudre |
Whiteout | Voile blanc |
Frost | Gelée |
Drought | Sécheresse |
Avalanche | Avalanche |
Snow storm | Tempête de neige |
Deluge | Déluge |
Sand storm | Tempête de sable |

Talking about temperature in French
English | French |
It’s hot | Il fait chaud |
It’s cold | Il fait froid |
It’s wet outside | C’est humide dehors |
It’s nice outside | Il fait bon dehors |
It’s humid | C’est humide |
It’s dry | C’est sec |
It’s x degrees | Il fait x degrés |
It’s minus x degrees | Il fait moins x degrés |
Celsius | Celsius |
Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit |
It’s freezing | Il gèle |
It’s very hot | Il fait très chaud |
Room temperature | Température ambiante |
It’s chilly | Il fait frais |
It’s a lovely day | C’est une belle journée |
It’s warm | Il fait bon |
It’s below freezing | La température est en dessous de zéro |
It’s scorching hot | Il fait une chaleur torride |
The temperature rose | La température a monté |
The temperature dropped | La température a baissé |
It’s stifling | C’est étouffant |
It’s oppressing | C’est oppressant |
Other significant weather words in French
English | French |
Weather forecast | Prévisions météorologiques/météo |
Meteorology | Météorologie |
Bad weather | Mauvais temps |
Good weather | Beau temps |
Extreme weather event | Événement météorologique extrême |
Climate change | Changement climatique |
Global warming | Réchauffement de la planète |
Sea surface temperature | Température de surface de la mer |
Wind warning | Vent violent |
Squall | Bourrasque |
Shower | Averse |
Flurry | Tourbillon |
Gust | Rafale |
Precipitation | Précipitations |
Atmospheric pressure | Pression atmosphérique |
High pressure | Haute pression |
Low pressure | Basse pression |
Trough | Dépression |
Warm front | Front chaud |
Wind direction | Direction du vent |
Rainbow | Arc-en-ciel |
Blizzard | Blizzard |
Sunshine | Soleil |
Mist | Brume |
Clear | Clair |
Ice | Glace |
Unstable weather in March (rain, sun, sleet) | Giboulées de mars |
Drizzle | Bruine |
Breeze | Brise |
Gale | Grand vent |
Thermometer | Thermomètre |
Barometer | Baromètre |
Celsius | Celsius |
Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit |
Air conditioning | Climatisation |
Flurries | Rafales |
Frostbite | Engelure |
Heat stroke | Coup de chaleur |
Sweating | Transpiration |
Meteorologist | Météorologue |
Puddle | Flaque d’eau |
Raindrop | Goutte de pluie |
Season | Saison |
Smog | Smog |
Sunburn | Coup de soleil |
Sunglasses | Lunettes de soleil |
Suntan | Bronzage |
Sunscreen | Crème solaire/écran solaire |
Umbrella | Parapluie |
Parasol | Parasol |
UV | UV |
Wind chill | Refroidissement éolien |
Mild weather | Temps doux |
Changeable weather | Temps changeant |
Slush | Pluie-neige |
Drenched | Trempé |
Thunderclap | Coup de tonnerre |
Bolt of lightning | Éclair |
Haze | Brume |
Dew | Rosée |
Whirlwind | Tourbillon |
Tide | Marée |
Air | Air |
Air pollution | Pollution de l’air |
Air mass | Masse d’air |
Air pressure | Pression de l’air |
Aurora | Aurore |
Northern lights | Aurore boréale |
Southern lights | Aurore australe |
Cumulus | Cumulus |
Cumulonimbus | Cumulonimbus |
Cirrus | Cirrus |
Beaufort wind scale | Échelle de vent de Beaufort |
Condensation | Condensation |
Dew point | Point de rosée |
Greenhouse effect | Effet de serre |
Halo | Halo |
Stalactites | Stalactites |
Stalactites | Stalactites |
Monsoon | Mousson |
Ozone | Ozone |
Snow level | Niveau de la neige |
Stratosphere | Stratosphère |
Temperate | Tempéré |
Tropical | Tropicale |
Subtropical | Subtropicale |
Arctic | Arctique |
Turbulence | Turbulence |
Vapor | Vapeur |
Cold spell | Coup de froid |

Many people ask how long it takes to learn French. The answer to this question is pretty simple. The more you expose yourself to the language, the faster you learn. Seeking professional guidance can speed up your learning process. Here is a course recommendation if you are looking for an authentic medium to improve your language skills.
We strongly recommend you check out italki to find the most experienced and highly professional French tutors online. These tutors can offer you engaging and interactive learning schedules at affordable rates and flexible schedules.
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This online language learning platform is ideal for increasing your French fluency. italki stands out from the crowd for various reasons:
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Flexibility in scheduling: Learning French at your own pace and on your own time is extremely convenient for all students. This incredible platform understands people’s hectic schedules and strives for maximum flexibility.
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Booking lessons at italki
Visit italki. Fill out your profile with all of the necessary information. Select the ‘Find a teacher’ option and apply the French teacher filter to find a French teacher. Choose a teacher who fits your learning objectives and requirements well. Plan your lessons.
It is strongly recommended that you stick to the additional material, exercises, and scenario-based content provided by your French tutor. Accept constructive criticism and work on improving your weak points.
Frequently asked questions
How do you say “weather” in French?
“Weather” in French is “le temps.”
How do you express that there is a storm in French?
You can say “Il y a de l’orage” to express that there is a storm in French.
What is the French word for “forecast”?
The French word for “forecast” is “prévision” or “prévision météo.”
Weather is a common topic of conversation, and knowing the right vocabulary can help you engage in discussions about the weather with French speakers. By learning these French weather words and expressions, you’ll be better equipped to describe various weather conditions and understand weather forecasts when visiting French-speaking regions.
To expand your language skills further, book your lessons with an experienced native French tutor at italki. Select the sessions that suit you and embark on becoming a fluent French speaker.
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