Knowing numbers is essential as it allows you to count everything. You need to count a large number of things in life. Ranging from blessings to counting the eggs, knowing Russian numbers can make your life easier.
Counting is probably the most tiresome aspect of learning a language. But, knowing numbers is very essential to be fluent and hold conversations in any language. There is a certain kind of satisfaction in learning numbers and knowing how to count.
In this post, we’ll discuss the fundamentals of counting and using numbers to specify quantities. So all the Korean language learners, pull up your socks and start making notes regarding Korean numbers. Let’s begin by memorizing the Russian numerals.
Russian numbers 1 to 10
- один (1)
- два (2)
- три (3)
- четыре (4)
- пять (5)
- шесть (6)
- семь (7)
- восемь (8)
- девять (9)
- десять (10)
Russian numbers 11 to 20
- одиннадцать (11)
- двенадцать (12)
- тринадцать (13)
- четырнадцать (14)
- пятнадцать (15)
- шестнадцать (16)
- семнадцать (17)
- восемнадцать (18)
- девятнадцать (19)
- двадцать (20)
You can also expand your Russian vocabulary by learning these Russian numbers. It is significant for you to learn as many Russian words as possible so that you will be able to talk to native speakers effortlessly.
Russian numbers up to 100
As you might expect, the five numbers below are made up of numbers from the list above.
- двадцать один (21)
- двадцать два (22)
- двадцать три (23)
- двадцать четыре (24)
- двадцать пять (25)
This similarity pattern is such a big relief for the Korean language learner. We hope now you know where we are heading to. So let’s move forward.
- тридцать (30)
- сорок (40)
- пятьдесят (50)
- шестьдесят (60)
- семьдесят (70)
- восемьдесят (80)
- девяносто (90)
- сто (100)
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Russian numbers up to 1,000
- двести (200)
- триста (300)
- четыреста (400)
- пятьсот (500)
- шестьсот (600)
- семьсот (700)
- восемьсот (800)
- девятьсот (900)
- тысяча (1,000)
Russian numbers over 1,000
- миллион (1,000,000)
- миллиард (1,000,000,000)
If you are in search of some tips to learn to read Russian, here is one very helpful tip related to Russian numbers. There are numerous videos on YouTube that you can use to perfect your Russian numbers. These videos are available just a click away. You can watch them and make notes for yourself.
Now that, you have learned Russian numbers, it is time for us to get a little specific. Let’s get into genders and plurals with Russian Numerals.
Genders and plurals with Russian numerals
Serves one to two: changing for gender
You may already be aware that nouns in Russian inflect for gender, number, and case. That’s a lot of numbers, but luckily, gender is simple with numbers. You only need to be concerned about two numbers: one and two.
For gender, the number one can take three different forms.
- Masculine: один
- Feminine: одна
- Neuter: одно
The number two only takes two different forms.
- Masculine/Neuter: два
- Feminine: две
Okay, but what does all of this actually mean? Well, consider the following:
- Один рубль — one ruble
- Два рубля — two rubles
The word Рyбль is a masculine noun. The numbers in front of “ruble” and “rubles,” as seen in the examples above, are written in their masculine form to match.
But look at it now:
- Одна копейка — one kopeck
- Две копейки — two kopecks
On the other hand, Копейкa, is a feminine noun. So, instead of using the masculine forms of the numbers “one” and “two,” we use their feminine forms in front of it.
Have a look at this now:
- Одно число — one number
- Два числа — two numbers
The word Числo is a neuter noun. As a result, we use the neuter form of the words “one” and “two.”
Outside of the possibilities shown above, numbers do not change for gender at all. They are only found in one form. That’s all there is to it!
Details about the genitive singular (till four)
There are two kinds of plurals in Russian when you are talking about numbered quantities of something. The first type of plural is used only with numbers two through four, while the second type is used for everything after that.
The first type of plural corresponds to the singular genitive case.
Here are some more examples:
- Три доллара (three dollars)
- Два года (two years)
The two nouns mentioned above are masculine, and their masculine singular forms end in consonants by default.
If a masculine noun ends in a consonant in the singular, simply add -a to make it genitive singular.
If a neuter noun ends in о, take away the о and add -а.
- Одно слово (one word)
- Два слова (two words)
If a masculine noun ends in й or ь, or a neuter noun ends in е, then you take away the й, ь, or е and add -я.
- Один чай (one tea)
- Два чая (two teas)
For feminine nouns ending in ь, you remove ь and add -и.
- Одна вещь (one thing)
- Две вещи (two things)
Remove the а and add – to feminine nouns that end in а, unless there is a guttural like к, г, x or a sibilant like ж or ш at the end, in which case you just add -и again.
- Одна вода (one water)
- Две воды (two glasses of water)
Details about the genitive plural (five and above)
The genitive plural is used to form the plural for nouns with five or more letters. Here are some of the fundamental formation rules.
Many masculine nouns ending in a consonant take -ов in the genitive plural:
- Пять долларов (five dollars)
- Шесть подарков (six gifts)
If they end in й, they take -ев or -ёв, and the й needs to be removed first:
- Один чай (one tea)
- Десять чаёв (ten teas)
Masculine nouns ending in ж, ч, ш, щ take -ей. So do feminine or masculine nouns ending in ь. You just have to remove the ь first if it’s there:
- Один рубль (one ruble)
- Семь рублей (seven rubles)
For feminine nouns ending in а or neuter nouns ending in о, that final vowel just gets dropped in the genitive plural:
- Одна вода (one water)
- Восемь вод (eight glasses of water)
You don’t need to remember everything right away, but having a general understanding will help you recognize plurals. Another thing to keep in mind is that some nouns use entirely different words for the genitive plural in different contexts.
One concerns the word “years.”
- Один год (one year)
- Два года (two years)
- Десять лет (ten years)
You also use лет when talking about age:
- Мне двадцать лет. (I am twenty years old.)
Learning Russian becomes a boring process sometimes but the good news is that you can often apply your knowledge from one area to another. Build up a general understanding of Russian numbers and their uses. It will help you to be on track. If you want to get along with Russian people, try to learn some of their commonly used phrases and greetings, for instance, thank you in Russian, wishing someone a happy birthday, or a happy New Year in Russian. Learning these phrases will give you an opportunity to get involved in Russian culture and people.
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