Thank you in Italian is grazie but there are several other phrases that you can use to thank people around. Learning the thank you phrases in Italian will get your Italian speaking polished and refined.
Grazie is the Italian word for “thank you.” It is derived from the Latin word family of gratia and gratus, which are associated with concepts of thankfulness, ease, and friendship. Beginner Italian learners often confuse grazie with grazia.
Grazia means “grace” in Italian, and grazie is the plural of grazia, but it has little in common with its homonym grazie, which is used to say “thank you” in Italy. What does this imply? Simply put, you cannot express your gratitude using grazia. Even if you’re only thankful for one thing.
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This was about saying ‘thank you’ in Italian. Now, let us move towards ‘thanks’ in Italian.
“Thanks” in Italian
There is no specific way to say “thank you” in Italian; simply use the same word as “thank you”: grazie. The noun thanks in Italian is ringraziamento.
“Thank You Very Much” in Italian: Grazie Mille
To say “thank you very much,” Italians will say grazie mille or mille grazie (literally “a thousand thanks” and “a thousand thanks”). The correct English phrase to replace grazie mille or mille grazie is “thanks a million.”
This is one of the oldest Italian phrases for saying “thank you.” It was popular in letters and formal conversations, and it is still used today.
“Thanks so much” in Italian: Grazie Infinite
It is difficult to connect Italian and English ways of saying “thank you” because they rarely have a literal translation.
However, because “thanks so much” is a little stronger than “thanks very much,” grazie infinite (“infinite thanks”) could be used as an equivalent.
Learning the common Italian words will enable you to vast your vocabulary giving you the confidence to speak Italian in public!
“Thanks a Lot” in Italian
Now we are slightly decreasing the intensity of the thanks. To say “thanks a lot” in Italian, say grazie tante.
“Many Thanks” in Italian: Molte Grazie
“Many thanks” in Italian is either tante grazie or molte grazie.
How to say “Thanks For…” in Italian
We often use the “thanks for + verb” construction in everyday life, in sentences such as “thanks for calling”. Some other examples include:
- Grazie per aver chiamato – “Thanks for calling.”
- Grazie d’essere venuto – “Thanks for coming.”
If you instead want to use the formula “thanks for + noun”, use grazie per il/l’/la or grazie del/dell’/della.
For example:
- Grazie per la chiamata – “Thanks for the call.”
- Grazie dell’invito – “Thanks for the invitation.”
Texting someone “Thank u” in Italian
The word for “thank you” in Italian is already short, so cyber Italians haven’t felt the need to create a bite-sized version of it. That is, to text “thank you” in Italian, simply type grazie.
A ti ringrazio or some tvb (ti voglio bene, “I love you”) and tvtb (ti voglio tanto bene, “I love you a lot”) is also common. You can also add Italian slang to your text messages to make them more engaging and interesting.
The noun “Thanks” in Italian: Ringraziamento
In Italian, the noun “thanks” is ringraziamento, but it is most commonly used in the plural form to express gratitude: ringraziamenti. When used to express gratitude, the phrase becomes more formal and polite than grazie alone. They are typically used in writing or during speeches.
For example:
- I miei ringraziamenti – “All my gratitude.”
- Porgo i miei più sinceri ringraziamenti – “I offer you my sincerest thanks.”
The verb “To Thank” in Italian: Ringraziare
The verb “to thank” in Italian is ringraziare.
(io) ringrazio | I thank |
(tu) ringrazi | (singular informal) you thank |
(lui/lei/Lei) ringrazia | he/she/(singular formal) you thank |
(noi) ringraziamo | we thank |
(voi) ringraziate | (plural) you thank |
(loro) ringraziano | they thank |
How to say “Thank You” in Italian, Formal version: La Ringrazio
Although grazie and its derivative phrases can be used in both informal and formal contexts, there are ways to sound even more polite when saying “thank you” in Italian.
One of them is la ringrazio, which is formed by using the verb ringraziare and the pronoun lei, the formal singular “you.”
How to say “Thank You” in Italian slang: Ti Ringrazio un Sacco
Literally “thank you a bag”, ti ringrazio un sacco is an Italian slang way to say thank you. Un sacco in Italian slang means “a lot”.
Italian Thank you phrases
- Sei un angelo/tesoro. – “You’re an angel/treasure.” Use this one with children or people you’re on very familiar terms with, such as a best friend or boyfriend.
- Grazie di cuore. – “Thanks from the heart.”
- Grazie dal profondo del mio cuore. – “Thanks from the bottom of my heart.”
- Grazie davvero. – “Thanks, really.”
- Grazie di tutto. – “Thanks for everything.”
- Ti devo un favore. – “I owe you a favor.”
- Hai fatto davvero tanto per me. – “You really did a lot for me.”
- Grazie di esserci per me. – “Thank you for being here for me.”
- Non ho parole per ringraziarti. – “I have no words left to thank you.” Use ringraziarla with lei and ringraziarvi with voi.
How to say “You are welcome” in Italian: Prego
In Italian, there are several ways to say “you’re welcome.” The first and most common is prego, which literally means “I pray.” Prego is an abbreviation for ti prego di non ringraziarmi, which means “I beg you not to thank me.”
The following item on the list is non c’è di che. It is an abbreviation for non c’è di che ringraziare (“there is no reason to thank you”). It’s formal but not overly so, so you can use it in any situation.
Do you know what figurati are? It is an Italian way of saying “you’re welcome” that doesn’t have an English equivalent. Its meaning is similar to “don’t bring it up.” Say figuri con lei and figuratevi con voi.
The following phrase is non c’è problema (“no problems”), which you should use with friends or family members. E di che is another informal “you’re welcome” that implies that whatever you did was not a big deal.
Writing a thank you note in Italian
Write a bigliettino (“note”) to thank someone for their kindness or send it to your boss’s house the day after you were invited for dinner.
Despite the fact that text messages are taking over, sending a handwritten note is more romantic and shows more effort. For maximum impact, pair it with flowers. In Italy, flowers are the most elegant and life-saving thank-you gifts.
You can consider a bouquet of these:
- dalias to express gratitude
- hortensias to thank for comprehension in a moment of difficulty
- yellow roses, tulips, sunflowers, or daisies, which are genuine, simple flowers that symbolize friendship
- irises to communicate a strong friendship
- peonies to show appreciation
These were some of the ways to say thank you in Italian. There are several other Italian greetings that you need to master in order to be fluent in Italian. Showing gratitude is what makes us humans. Thank people when you are needed to, it will increase your chances to strengthen your relationships and retain the existing ones.
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