Cherry Novalia
Community Tutor
"Selamat pagi!" . Do you know what the above sentence mean? If you know then please write your answer down below! . 你知道上面句子的意思吗?如果知道的话,可以把你的答案写在下边!
Nov 29, 2022 11:31 AM
Comments · 1
Hello. I do not know anything about Chinese, but the word "Selamat" was really interesting to me. In Persian, we have a similar word whose pronounsitation is "Salamat" and in some accents is similar to yours. It means "Health". The phrase "Salamat Bashi" is a payer word, meaning "I wish you healthy". Anyway, thanks to google translate, your answer is "good morning!".
November 29, 2022
Cherry Novalia
Language Skills
Chinese (Mandarin), Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Hokkien), English, Indonesian, Japanese
Learning Language
Chinese (Cantonese), Japanese