Yes, if i knowed how and what write in the book, i writed it. But, i think if i could possibility, maybe i write about my biography - how i grew up, how my life was it, how myself motivating and how don't give up in this difficult life. Like biography-psychological book xD Or if i was very big creative thinking, big imagination - then i writed about somehow fantasy book like Harry Potter or some else, and of course with love lines xD
Dec 7, 2022 2:12 PM
Corrections · 1
Yes. If i knew how and what to write in for a book, I would write it. After giving it some thought, maybe I would write about my biography - how I grew up, my experiences, how I motivate myself, and how not to give up in this difficult life. It would be a sort/kind/type of biography-psychological book. xD Or if I was in creative mood then I would write a fantasy book like Harry Potter or similar, and of course it would have to have romance! xD Well done for making the effort, Anastasiya! I rephrased a few of the things you expressed to make them sound natural for you in English, as if it were a native writing. In terms of the grammar that seemed to be problematic, you could read some explanations and do exercises on conditional sentences, in particular the second conditional. If you have any doubts or there is anything more I can help you with, just reach out! ☀️🕊️🔥
December 8, 2022
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