Thandile Mageba
First of all I want to start by saying happiest 15th anniversary to Italki. Italki has been a very amazingly wonderful platform for me. I found out about italki through a friend of mine who used Italki as well. It started of with us just having a usual conversation on how we admire bilingual people then as the conversation went on, my friend asked me how I would feel about joining Italki. I then asked her to tell me more about it and looking at how wonderfully she talked about it, I decided to join as well. My journey with Italki has been a fun learning experience, I met a teacher who understands and motivates me. Teacher Lisa, has been a really good teacher to me and her patience is something I admire. She made my learning experience on Italki to run smoothly. When I first started I was filled with anxiety but the way she’s presents learning material not only calmed me but it motivated me as well. My English, grammar and vocabulary has highly improved. Thank you Italki for this amazing learning experience!
3 ก.ค. 2022 เวลา 15:32
ความคิดเห็น · 6
Thank you so much Thandile. I appreciate your kind words. You’re such a great student and I’m proud of you. Keep pushing forward! Perfectly written post. 💯
3 กรกฎาคม 2022
So you don’t need to use the coupon for Rewardland? Which rewards did you already get?
3 กรกฎาคม 2022
I got those ones so far
3 กรกฎาคม 2022