Caroline L-B
Learning Article : A Helpful Guide To French Pronouns And Verbs

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<a href='/article/634/the-complete-guide-to-french-pronouns-and-verbs' target='_blank'>A Helpful Guide To French Pronouns And Verbs</a>

Articles, pronouns, grammar!! Who likes grammar? I know I don't and I won't believe you if you tell me you do. However! This article just might make our lives easier when it comes to learning about pronouns in the French language.

31 ธ.ค. 2015 เวลา 0:00
ความคิดเห็น · 16
I think grammar is very fun actually, then again I study Korean, which I think has very simplistic grammar rules.
22 มีนาคม 2017

Thank you Caroline for this very helpful article!

you have explained it perfectly!

29 กันยายน 2016
Hi Caroline, Thank you for this article. You show in your table that tu is abbreviated to t' before vowels. Are there exceptions to this? Thanks, Paul.
29 เมษายน 2020
Thank you Heather! It's my pleasure to help. If you found this useful, you might want to look for my book on amazon: all my articles plus a bit more. It's called the No Nonsense Guide to French (Caroline Lévesque-Bartlett).
1 สิงหาคม 2019
Sobbing in english....

Jk. This is very helpful. Thank you so much!
1 สิงหาคม 2019