If you want to use Turkish letters 'ç, ğ, ı, ö, ş, ü' try this solution. Go to start/control panel Here, if you see Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options double click on it and continue with Add other languages. Select the Languages tab in the window that will show and click on the button that says Details... In the Settings tab of the window that comes now, click the button that says Add... In the drop-down box titled Input Language, select Turkish. In the drop-down box below that, named Keyboard layout/IME, select Turkish Q and click OK. Click OK until all the windows we opened are gone. In the control panel, if you don't see Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options icon but there is an icon titled Regional and Language Options, double click that. Select the Languages tab in the window that will show and click on the button that says Details... In the Settings tab of the window that comes now, click the button that says Add... In the drop-down box titled Input Language, select Turkish. In the drop-down box below that, named Keyboard layout/IME, select Turkish Q and click OK. Click OK until all the windows we opened are gone. Windows 98, and Windows Me Users Go to Start/Settings/Control Panel/Keyboard Click on the Language tab here, and then click the button Add. Now, from the list of languages you see, select Turkish. Say OK until all the windows we opened are gone
13 มี.ค. 2008 เวลา 7:14
ความคิดเห็น · 4

Once you get your keyboard set to the Turkish Q layout, it helps to put Turkish alphabet stickers on the keys. You can find them for less than $3 US on Amazon:



31 มีนาคม 2015



Thank you for your valuable information. I have already added Turkish Q in my keyboard. Now how can I write the special Turkish letters without using ALT + numerical pad?




31 มีนาคม 2015
Turkish Keyboard - Accent Codes If you prefer to use the accent codes for the Turkish letters instead, these codes are as follows: Character Description Windows Alt Code İ Capital dotted I ALT+0304 ı Lower dotless I ALT+0305 Ö Capital O umlaut ALT+0214 ö Lower O umlaut ALT+0246 Ü Capital U umlaut ALT+0220 ü Lower U umlaut ALT+0252 Ç Capital C cedille ALT+0199 ç Lower C cedille ALT+0231 Ğ Capital G breve ALT+0286 ğ Lower G breve ALT+0287 Ş Capital S cedille ALT+0350 ş Lower S cedille ALT+0351
13 มีนาคม 2008
Turkish Keyboard - Layout and How to Use Once you add the Turkish keyboard, you can switch between your old layout and Turkish layout back and forth by pressing the left alt and shift keys together. It is very convenient to use the regular keyboard layout, then use alt + shift to switch to Turkish and alt + shift again to return to your layout when you are done with Turkish. The keyboard layout will be like this when you are using Turkish
13 มีนาคม 2008