how do you learn English in school?how teacher to teach you?

I always confuse why Chinese students learn English already 12 years{ until the end of senior high school].We stil cannot normally communicate with foreign  people .To be honest,at the beginning,I was hate to learn English. English teachers always dicates words that we just learnt.I even cannot to read corrctly.Some students need to take  tutorial classes specially.then they can study abroad.The 12 years of studying English is useless????I want to know not native English speakers is also through specialized learning English to study abroad?

Quite heart tired of learning English....

6 ต.ค. 2016 เวลา 0:27
ความคิดเห็น · 6

中国学的英语只是让学生在考卷上如何按照出题人的思路来答题而已 说句实话 学的英语实用性根本不强 虽不算完全没用 但也可说是很渣的那种...

然后本国的氛围也是,身边没有太多人说英文 说的少自然就不流利了

我自己就这样啊 以前上加拿大国际学校 英语很好 口语也很棒 后来跟着国内的学 语法虽然清晰很多 技巧也提高了 但是理解力和交流能力下降得很快 现在口语比以前差多了

有条件的话多和外国朋友交流啊 去国外生活就更好了

7 ตุลาคม 2016

However, I am still convinced that learning a language in China can be good choice as long as you have good concept of learning a new language and know how to approach then master a new language since online English materials are so handy to reach for most of the citizens in China despite the fact that Great Wall Firewall is hard to overcome for the moment. That is to say you do not have to go or study overseas to come to good result of English learning, which is a very good news for you. 

I have seen a plenty of Chinese who acquired English after 30 most of whom did not have good academic performance in English learning when they were young in China. Accordingly, I just consider good academic performance in English learning is one of the advantages in the English learning with moderate importance, but more importantly a learner had better have good mindset to learn a language.  But be sure to be aware that never plunge into English learning as hard as you were educated in the middle school without appropriate practice and learning, which would drag you down the muck without question. 

7 ตุลาคม 2016
That must be a great  waste of time if you do not learn English in 4 skills. 
8 กุมภาพันธ์ 2017

I agree with Jack.  Most of the teaching done is by people who don't speak English, so they teach it as an academic subject.  Learning in China involves a lot of tests and no communication.  

Its funny.  I had some students from Mongolia while I was there who hadn't learned any English in school.  They learned far faster than the local students who had years of experience.  I think the Chinese education system is a huge barrier to learning and will actually make you worse at learning in the future.  

6 ตุลาคม 2016
Seeing seems like in Vietnam. In class, teachers give students vocabularies, grammar and require them learn by heart. Especially, in rural areas, the students, like me, never have a chance to pratice with foreigner. When graduated university and starting work in workplace, I found that I can't have a conservation with foreigner naturally. I feel so awkward to convey my idea clearly and fluently.
6 ตุลาคม 2016