Elena Shabunya
Learning languages

From what you usually prefer begin learning new languages? And how you usually improve the languages what you already have learned ?

30 เม.ย. 2014 เวลา 6:55
ความคิดเห็น · 3

I'll tell you the best way to learn.

This method works for Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Students. 


First, stop trying to read the words. Don't focus on reading or writing. You need to watch television, listen to music, and communicate with native English speakers. You will become a more complex and fluent speaker quickly doing this method. (There are many apps on phones for tv channels, movies, news channels.)


After you've learned to understand at an average level you need to begin reading and writing. The key to this is to learn your ABC. Once you learn your letters then you will catch on, that you know them, already. If you already know your ABC, words, and phrases, but you want to improve your English then I encourage you to stop reading and writing so that you may focus mainly on the word and it's meaning. You will see that your brain words quickly when not focusing on the rules of a language. 


Finally, I ask that you add 1 new friend every other day to your Skype Account or any other chatroom. That way you can constantly continue your English study. I also want you to look into Professional and Community Teachers. I say this because a teacher will of course be there to teach you new things and taking sessions will keep you dedicated to learning. 

30 เมษายน 2014


  #1 Memorization  is what I think is the  critical method, and as others suggest,  Songs, along with such material as Poems and Nursery Rhymes    allow you to memorize many sounds by repetition.

My notebook entries contain some examples.


 Songs also assist the student by teaching the rythm and intonation  of words.  The great barrier to learning a language, I think, is the inability to pronounce words.   Once the student has developed confidence with pronouncing words, the learning process is much easier.


   Once a student can remember, the melody of a song, they can sing it, or at least read the words associated with it, and repeat them over and over as a casual exercise, even when walking or relaxing, or even laying in bed.



30 เมษายน 2014

I think the key words to learn any language are reading and speaking.

If you read more ,you learn more words,but if you do not use it in your conversation
You will forget it .

So,read more and use the words that you study in speaking with other people .

Good luck our friend :)

30 เมษายน 2014