الدعاء لاخواننا في فلسطين

اللهم انصر اخواننا في فلسطين اللهم خفف المهم اللهم انصر الاسلام واعز المسلمين  .

ساعدوا اخوننا في فلسطين بالدعاء لهم لعلها تكون ليلة القدر ويستجاب لدعائنا .

الدعاء على الصهاينة وكل من عدا الاسلام : اللهم احصيهم عددا واقتلهم مددا ولا تبق منهم احدا اللهم دمرهم اللهم زلزلهم 

21 ก.ค. 2014 เวลา 16:16
ความคิดเห็น · 16

Steve , becuse you aren't of superintendent in this website why you don't hit "flag" under the disscussion textbox and there write the resaons political or religious discussions then the supervisors of this website will make their decisions according to the policies. 

21 กรกฎาคม 2014

اللهم امين GOT

21 กรกฎาคม 2014

@jibril.fatima: Don't worry about steve. He just wanted to increase his Beta point in italki and he thought if he will do it if he follow you everywhere copying and past some lines. At least this time it is not his song ;)


Allah help all who in need including steveh ;)


21 กรกฎาคม 2014

Hello, GTO.  I think we can agree that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a topic that is too politically controversial to be discussed here on italki.  This issue is almost certain to provoke political arguments, which will make many members of italki community become upset and uncomfortable.  And the word "Allah" shouldn't be written on this website; because this word is almost certain to provoke religious arguments, which will also make many members of the italki community become too upset and uncomfortable.  I want almost everybody here on this website to have a comfortable language learning environment.  I don't want there to be any distractions here that will hinder the foreign language learning process of any italki users, including you or the Zionist.  :) 

There are many interesting topics, and almost anybody here would not object to these topics being discussed on this website: language, music, food, movies, computers, books, travel, pets, school, health, romance (not too sexually explicit), art, hobbies, games and sports. :)

1 สิงหาคม 2014

To Steve ...


There is no such a learning site , when childrens are dying while NO ONE in the world move to take a punishment on israel . Believe it or not , Zionnist are the worst , they are just like illuminati , humans that works to success SATAN plans against human , WHY ? cause we are best creatures than SATAN , that he denyied to pray when ALLAH ordered to pray to his new creature .


Beside , there is not such freedom and things like Zionist should be comfortable . The one that kills an enfant should be comfortable ? you are very tricked ! . Yeah i believe in free softwares ! not in free malwares just like Zions .

28 กรกฎาคม 2014