Mikhail Pushkov
Learning Article : Russian Stress: The Guide

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<a href='/article/435/russian-stress-the-guide' target='_blank'>Russian Stress: The Guide</a>

Russian stress patterns can be very tricky for learners. This article gives a general overview of the difficulties using examples, comparisons and one very important piece of advice.

7 พ.ค. 2015 เวลา 0:00
ความคิดเห็น · 10

French stress is not always on the last syllable, far from it.

14 พฤษภาคม 2015

Почему вы написали эту статью? здесь нет ничего полезного. Фактически, вы сказали, что все сложно — обалдеть лол

15 พฤษภาคม 2015

*ЗвОнит, *свеклА и *красивЕе are epic!!!

27 พฤษภาคม 2015

ILYA - For some reasons, the administration miss to publish the last part of articles where the statistic is shown for mistakes made by natives ) 


Common mistakes with stress Made by natives
Normally, when we face with issue of choosing the right way to say the word, we just use the special dictionary — orphoepic dictionaries. It includes all or vast majority of the words with proper stress postion
No one except the linguistic experts refers to the rules in this respect. We just keep it in mind.
A lot of people say звOнит instead of звонИт (he calls), дOговор instead of договOр (contract), тортЫ instead of тОрты (cakes) etc.

The classic orphoepic reference is the dictionay written by Р. И. Аванесова.
At the end I would like to show you the results of one research - http://gigabaza.ru/doc/18016.html

The 100 pupils 15-18 years old have been asked to say the 16 words. Below you will find the percentages of how many pupils made a mistake.
1. Квартал – 30%
2. Звонит – 22%
3. Свекла – 29%
4. Оптовый – 60%
5. Торты – 20%
6. Банты – 48%
7. Включит – 82%
8. Красивее – 53%
9. Жалюзи – 44%
10. Сливовый – 44%

11. Откупорить – 59%
12. Обеспечение – 64%
13. Повторит – 47%
14. Столяр – 2%
15. Кралась – 68%
16. Щавель – 31%


17 พฤษภาคม 2015

There is a nice site dedicated to stress in Russian words. There is a game there — that will be funny for native speakers to pass it w/o errors :–) It's not so easy as one could think.


15 พฤษภาคม 2015
Mikhail Pushkov
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