Sandra Pérez
A unforgettable travel. A month ago, I began my big adventure. For be the first time that I went a other country, I wasn't nervous because I really wanted go there. My destination was Dublin, capital of Ireland. I was in the plane for three hours, I was very tired because I had slept nothing in all night, I was doing my suitcase until late.When I arrived, it was raining and very cold. In Spain, the summer is very hot and the weather from Ireland is as the winter here, but I managed to adapt to climate soon although I had to buy a raincoat, water boots, a sweatshirt and two umbrellas because the air broke them!! I stayed in a host family. They were so dirty that never cleaned for the time that I was there and the house smells bad. Also, there was a fishbowl green!!! I believe that there were dead fish inside. In the kitchen, there were shoes on the floor, next to the table where I ate!!! Food was pre cooked and every day, I ate a sandwich of cheese. I didn't like pizza in my host family, although it's my favorite food. They didn't wash me the clothing. All was terrible in the house, less my italian room mate. She was sympatic and funny. We spoke in English but when we didn´t know some word, we told in our mother language and we could understand us because the italian and spanish are similar languages. She hated the family too, so she prefered a change to a dorm, although it was more cheaper and she lost money. However, I could be with her more of a week. My travel lasted two weeks. Despite this, I could enjoy my travel because I wasn't in the house for the day, I went there on the night only. The first day, I was alone because I didn't meet nobody then I hadn´t been in the academy and my room mate hadn't arrived yet. I took the bus and I went to center city, and I was walking and seeing the city all afternoon. I saw the liffey river, it´s a river that through the city and it has many bridges. I was surprised. When I wanted to come back home, I didn´t know the bus that I had to take but a Irish man helped me. The irish people are generous and kind. When I was seeing my map, they always asked me if they could help me. Also, they are saying "sorry" all day, although they touch you only. In Spain, we aren't say "lo siento" ("sorry" in Spanish) when we touch other person in a shop or in a street. I will continue tomorrow telling how was my experience. See you!!
30 ส.ค. 2014 เวลา 1:19
การแก้ไข · 3

A unforgettable travel.

A month ago, I began my big adventure. For be the first time that I went a other another country, I wasn't nervous, because I really wanted go there. My destination was Dublin, capital of Ireland.

I was in the plane for three hours. I was very tired because I had slept nothing in hadn't slept all night. I was doing packing my suitcase until late. When I arrived, it was raining and very cold. In Spain, the summer is very hot and the weather from Ireland is as the winter here, but I managed to adapt to the climate soon quickly, although I had to buy a raincoat, water boots, a sweatshirt and two umbrellas because the air wind broke them! (This sentence is easy to understand, but it's what we would call a "run-on sentence." It would be best to turn it into several shorter sentences. For example: In Spain, the summer is very hot. The weather from Ireland is as the winter here, but I managed to adapt to the climate quickly. However, I had to buy a raincoat, water boots, a sweatshirt, and two umbrellas. I had to buy the second umbrella because the wind broke one!)

I stayed in with a host family. They were so dirty. that They never cleaned for the time that I was there, and the house smells smelled bad. Also, there was a fishbowl green!!!  green fish bowl! (Remember, English is a little different than Spanish -- adjectives will always come before nouns.) I believe that there were dead fish inside. In the kitchen, there were shoes on the floor, next to the table where I ate!!! Food was pre-cooked and every day, I ate a sandwich of cheese (This works, but we will usually say "cheese sandwich."). I didn't like pizza in my host family my host family's pizza, although it's my favorite food. They didn't wash me the my clothing. All was terrible in the house, less my italian room mate. She was sympatic and funny. We spoke in English but when we didn´t know some word, we told spoke in our mother language and we could understand us each other because the italian and spanish are similar languages. She hated the family too, so she prefered a to change to a dorm, although it was more cheaper and she lost money. However, I could be with her more of a week. My travel lasted two weeks. Despite this, I could enjoy my travel because I wasn't in the house for the day, I went there on the night only. only went there at night.

The first day, I was alone because I didn't meet nobody anyone. Then I hadn´t been in the academy and my room mate hadn't arrived yet. I took the bus and I went to center city, and I was walking and seeing the city all afternoon. (This sentence also works. But maybe you want to say "exploring the city.") I saw the Liffey river. It´s a river that through the city and it has many bridges. I was surprised. When I wanted to come back home, I didn´t know the which bus that I had to take, but a an Irish man helped me. The irish people are generous and kind. When I was seeing looking at my map, they always asked me if they could help me. Also, they are were saying "sorry" all day, although they touch you only only touched you. In Spain, we aren't don't say "lo siento" ("sorry" in Spanish) when we touch other another person in a shop or in a street.

I will continue tomorrow telling how was my experience how my experience was. See you!!

Good job, this is very easy to read and understand. I made corrections that I think will help you improve. Also, I'm sorry to hear about your problem with the host family. That's really unfortunate. >.<

30 สิงหาคม 2014

     I began my big adventure <em>a month ago.</em> <em>I was not nervous being in a foreign country for the first time,</em> because I wanted go <em>to</em> <em>Dublin, Ireland</em>. 

     <em>The journey took</em> three hours <em>by airplane</em>, <em>and </em>I was tired because <em>I was packing for the trip all night</em>. When <em>we landed</em> it was <em>raining and cold</em>. <em>It was summer in Spain and </em><em>winter</em> <em>in Dublin, </em>but I managed to adapt to <em>the </em>climate quickly. I had to buy a raincoat, <em>rain </em>boots, a sweatshirt, and two umbrellas, because <em>the first one I bought was broken by the wind.</em> 

     I stayed <em>with</em> a host-family. They were dirty <em>and they </em><em>did not clean the house the entire time</em> that I was there. The house<em> smelled</em> bad. <em>They had </em>a fishbowl <em>full of green water, and I think that there were </em> dead fish <em>in it</em>. There were shoes on the floor next to the table where I ate <em>in the kitchen. </em><em>The f</em>ood was pre-cooked and <em>I ate cheese sandwiches everyday</em>. Although it's my favorite food, <em>I did not like their pizza.</em> <em>They would not wash my clothing, either.</em> The house <em>and everything in it was terrible, except for</em> my <em>Italian</em> room mate. She was <em>friendly</em> and funny. We spoke in English <em>with one another, </em>but when we didn't know <em>words</em> we <em>were able to</em><em> tell eachother what we meant in our</em> mother languages, because Italian and Spanish are similar languages. She hated the family, so she <em>moved</em> to a <em>dormitory, but</em> lost money, <em>because staying with the host-family was inexpensive</em>. I <em>was still able to</em> be with her <em>during the </em>week. My <em>stay in Ireland </em>lasted two weeks, <em>and despite my living conditions</em>, I <em>enjoyed it</em> because I wasn't in the house for <em>most of </em>the day. I went there <em>at</em> night only.

     I was alone <em>on the first day, </em>because I <em>had yet to</em> meet <em>anyone,</em> I hadn´t <em>been</em> <em>to</em> the academy, and my room mate hadn't arrived . I took the bus and I went center city. <em>I walked</em> and <em>toured</em> the city all afternoon. I saw the <em>Liffey River. This is</em> a river that <em>runs </em>through the city and <em>I was surprised to find that </em>it has many bridges <em>which cross over it</em>.

     When I <em>was ready to go</em> home, I didn´t know the bus that I had to take, but a Irish man helped me. The <em>Irish</em> people are generous and kind. <em>Whenever I would look at</em> my map they always <em>offered</em> help. The Irish <em>say</em> "sorry" all day, although they <em>never </em>touch you. In Spain, we <em>never say "I'm sorry" </em>when we touch <em>someone</em> in a shop or <em>on the</em> street.

I will <em>continue sharing my experiences tomorrow. </em>

30 สิงหาคม 2014