Red Wine Dinner
飞汉字 飞汉字和花蜜的蜂鸟喂食长得很像不?推特的徽标被交换水平也和那汉子长得好像。 fly, the chinese character The Chinese character 'fly' is very similar to a hummingbird feeds on nectar, don't you think? You can also swap a Twitter logo horizontally and it will be very similar to this Chinese character.
24 พ.ย. 2014 เวลา 4:13
การแก้ไข · 2


汉字”飞“很像一只蜂鸟在喂食,你不这样觉得吗?你也可以发现Twitter 的标志也很像这个汉字。

fly, the chinese character

The Chinese character 'fly' is very similar to a hummingbird feeds on nectar, don't you think? You can also swap a Twitter logo horizontally and it will be very similar to this Chinese character.

24 พฤศจิกายน 2014
汉字“飞” 你不觉得汉字“飞”很像一只蜂鸟在喝花蜜吗?你也可以把推特的标志水平翻转一下,它会很像这个汉字。
24 พฤศจิกายน 2014