Chinese 2. Handwriting! I just tried to write my homework like Chinese! I really don't know if Chinese people can understand me or not?? Can you please say to me if you can read it?
25 พ.ย. 2014 เวลา 18:27
การแก้ไข · 15

Chinese 2. Handwriting!

I just tried to write my homework like Chinese! I really don't know if Chinese people they can figure out my handwriting? understand me or not??


Can you please say to tell me if you can read it?


It is great to see someone who takes pride in their handwriting.


For some beginner like you, your Chinse writing is EXCELLENT.  Not only legible but very has strength! You write much better than most Chinese or Japanese.  At least it is not a child's or someone trying to copy the character.  You have done much work in it. Well done!  However, there are many places where the proportions are not right.  This is understandable.

It looks like you are trying to write with a brush!  If you are really into Chinese calligraphy, here's a link where you can learn to write beautifully.  Although the series is in Chinese, you can skip to the part where the demonstration is given.  You can figure it out.  This is how I also learn how to start writing with a brush.

It shows three styles, the standard, the running hand and the grass hand.  As the professor said, start with the basics first; once mastered, the rest will come easily.

25 พฤศจิกายน 2014
Dear Natearchi, Dear Henry, thanks so much for encouragement. Thank you so much
26 พฤศจิกายน 2014
good handwriting. I can read it absolutely. Wish you have a better improvement in handwrting and learn more Chinese culture.
26 พฤศจิกายน 2014
Wow , dear , how you can did this in such a short while ! It's good,your handwriting is very good , can you speake them!
26 พฤศจิกายน 2014
Thanks dear Alex
26 พฤศจิกายน 2014