Do u believe in constellation? It is generally accepted that most Chinese don't have any rellegion beliefs. And I am in the same condition too.Maybe most people from western countries will be shocked by this. But it does exist! However, although we don't believe in religion,sometimes some of us believe in constellations! I think it is magic.I am a Scorpio and I think most of its characteristics are quite in me.Scorpio persons are very decisive,honest,sincere and can get along with various people,but they also pay much attention to make with true friends.Like me,I am very independent and decisive,I have many friends in daily life.but actually,i only have several true friends at the bottom of my heart.What's more, making true friends is not so easy for it needs my open heart, tolerance,care and so on.Time can approve everything.With time going along,now I am 21 years old and I have to make many choices for my own like future work and my dreams.Sometimes,I also feel lost,maybe it is because that I don't believe any religions.But constellation is so interesting and amazing for it can analyze my characteristics!
23 ธ.ค. 2014 เวลา 10:09
การแก้ไข · 4

Do u believe in constellation?

It is generally accepted that most Chinese don't have any rellegion beliefs. And I am in the same condition too.Maybe most people from western countries will be shocked by this. But it does exist! However, although we don't believe in religion,sometimes some of us believe in constellations! I think it is magic.I am a Scorpio and I think most of its characteristics are quite in me.Scorpio persons are very decisive,honest,sincere and can get along with various people,but they also pay much attention to make with true friends.Like me,I am very independent and decisive,I have many friends in daily life.but actually,i only have several true friends at the bottom of my heart.What's more, making true friends is not so easy for it needs my open heart, tolerance,care and so on.Time can approve everything.With time going along,now I am 21 years old and I have to make many choices for my own like future work and my dreams.Sometimes,I also feel lost,maybe it is because that I don't believe any religions.But constellation is so interesting and amazing for it can analyze my characteristics!


Do u believe in Astrology?

It is generally accepted that most Chinese don't have any rellegion beliefs and I am in the same condition too. Maybe most people from western countries will be shocked by this. But it's true! However, although we don't believe in religions, sometimes some of us believe in Astrology! I think it is magic.

I am a Scorpio and I think most of its characteristics are present in me. Scorpio's are very decisive, honest, sincere and can get along with various types of people but they also pay much more attention to making with true friends. Like me, I am very independent and decisive. I have many casual friends in daily life but actually I only have several a few true friends at the bottom of my heart. What's more, making true friends is not so easy for it needs my an open heart, tolerance,care and so on. Time can approve (improve?) everything.With time going along,now I am 21 years old and I have to make many choices for about my own like future work and my dreams. Sometimes,I also feel lost, maybe it is because that I don't believe in any religions but Astrology is so interesting and amazing for it can analyze my characteristics!


(逗号, 句号后记得 放个空格) 难道写中文的时候就没必要加空格呢?


What you believe in is called Astrology, not constellation. Constellations are groups of stars (often they can be linked to form an image, e.g The Big Dipper), whereas Astrology is the belief that the position of planets and stars can influnce human life.

I can't entirely agree that most chinese people are not religious; the vast majority of people in Fujian province have some degree of belief in Buddhism.

Infact most of western euorpe is no longer very religious. In countries like Norway and Sweden more than half the population say they are Athiest (Don't believe in god). While it is true America is a very religious country, even they wouldn't be surprise to hear that most chinese people do not believe in god.... they would probably be more surprised to learn that you believe in Astrology! xixi

I am also Scopio


28 มกราคม 2015
What you believe in is called Astrology, not constellation. Constellations are groups of stars (often they can be linked to form an image, e.g The Big Dipper), whereas Astrology is the belief that the position of planets and stars can influnce human life. I can't entirely agree that most chinese people are not religious; the vast majority of people in Fujian province have some degree of belief in Buddhism. Infact most of western euorpe is no longer very religious. In countries like Norway and Sweden more than half the population is say they are Athiest (Don't believe in god). While it is true America is a very religious country, even they wouldn't be surprise to hear that most chinese people do not believe in god.... they would probably be more surprised to learn that you believe in Astrology! xixi I am also Scopio
28 มกราคม 2015
really i am crazy about this passage . to be honest i read it many times , as i know you you are one of most adorable people --maybe only girl-- i know . so .... "religion is the opium of the people" is best definition about Superstitions.
29 ธันวาคม 2014
Yes I know china is a marksist country, they don't believe in god.
23 ธันวาคม 2014
ภาษาจีน (กลาง), ภาษาอังกฤษ, ภาษาฝรั่งเศส, ภาษาอิตาลี, ภาษาสเปน
ภาษาอังกฤษ, ภาษาฝรั่งเศส, ภาษาอิตาลี, ภาษาสเปน