The internship The internship period has just started at my school. All students are finding a company to do the internship, I’m also not an exception. But fortunately, I have an acquaintance, more exactly they are my father’s acquaintance. He gave me a chance to do the internship at a company. But that company has some problems that effect difficultly to my progress of making the internship report, because of some of its characteristics.. So now I’m so confused because I’d already agree to do the internship there, partly because he had kindly helped me and in the company I would be able to practice what I has studied in the university in reality situations.. But I’d have to wait until I come there the first time to decide what topic I will take for my report. This report is so important and I have to choose carefully the topic.
1 ก.พ. 2015 เวลา 4:58