Are parents the best teachers? TOEFL essay: Who teaches you to walk? It is your parents who teach you to do these basic things in your life. So don’t you think that parents are the best teachers! Firstly, thinking that parents teach you to do many things in life such as walk or speech is somewhat unreal. It is true that parents are the first persons who you are in contact with and who you learn the basic things from. However, during life, children have inputs form other sources like society, family and school. For example in Africa, education is considered an issue of the community and children education should be handled by all members of a community. Secondly, thinking that parents are the best teachers is, on the other hand, quite naïve. The commitment with the role of parents is not always the same among all people. Unfortunately, sometimes parents do not acquire, and show, a positive relationship with their offspring. Even the examples and values we can learn from them are in some cases the worst we can get. Consequently, parents could not be the best teachers. Nevertheless, we can surely state that, even if they are not the best teachers, they are the bigg
27 ก.พ. 2015 เวลา 13:15
การแก้ไข · 4

Are parents the best teachers?

TOEFL essay: Who teaches you to walk? It is your parents who teach you to do these basic things in your life. So don’t you think that parents are the best teachers? 

Firstly, thinking that parents teach you to do many things in life such as walk or speech is somewhat unreal. It is true that parents are the first persons who you are in contact with and whom you learn the basic things from. However, during life, children have input form other sources like society, family and school. For example in Africa, education is considered an issue of the community and children education should be handled by all members of a community.

Secondly, thinking that parents are the best teachers is, on the other hand, quite naïve. The commitment with the role of parents is not always the same among all people. Unfortunately, sometimes parents do not acquire, and show, a positive relationship with their offspring. Even the examples and values we can learn from them are in some cases the worst we can get. Consequently, parents could not be the best teachers. Nevertheless, we can surely state that, even if they are not the best teachers, they are the biggest influence.

input-  usualmente no se usa la forma plural

whom- aquí lo que dices en realidad es "from whom you learn the basic things" no sé por qué pero en inglés serparamos las palabras from and whom o puedes escribirlo como acabo de hacer, <em>from whom you learn...</em> Otra verdad- la mayoria no usa whom correctamente, entonces es juste decir, no debe importarte, supongo

si no los padres, quienes? todo que escribiste es la verdad pero todo que escribiste es más verdadero de otras personas. Los problemas serán los mismos, excepto mas peores. No, por lo general, los padres son los mejores. Una comparación con Africa? La culture es muy distinta, como se compara manzanas y aguacates. Esta polémica esta manipulando

27 กุมภาพันธ์ 2015

Are parents the best teachers?

TOEFL essay: Who teaches you to walk? It is your parents who teach you to do these basic things in your life. So, don’t you think that parents are the best teachers? (this sentence is written in the form of a question)

Firstly (better: First of all) , thinking (better: to think)  that parents teach you how to do many things in life, such as walking or talking speech is somewhat unrealistic. It is true that your parents are the first people persons who you are in contact with and from whom you learn the basic things from. However, during their lives, children have many inputs form other influencing sources of learning such as like the society in which they live, other family members and their school. For example, in Africa, education is considered a responsibility an issue of the community and children the education is shared should be handled by all its members.  of a community. 

(avoid repeating "community" as it is already implied)
Secondly, thinking (better: believing) that parents are the best teachers is being on the other hand, quite naïve. The commitment of with the role of the parents is never  not always the same in all families. among all people. Unfortunately, sometimes parents do not have or acquire, and show (better: demonstrate) , a positive relationship with their offspring. Even The examples and values we can learn from our parents are not always the best examples for us to live by. of them are in some cases the worst we can get. Consequently, parents are not necessarily could not be the best teachers. Nevertheless, we can surely state that, even if they are not the best teachers, they will always be our parents and our greatest source of influence. are the bigg (I'm not sure how you wanted to complete this sentence)

I hope my changes help you Silvia.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Keep up your good work!

27 กุมภาพันธ์ 2015