Short intro on the fallacies of humanness There is no destructive force more capable than the human mind. Time and time again humans have altered their integrity in order to further develop, to assume the plausible, and to grasp the intangible. Science has conquered great things powered by the imagination and the collection of historical anecdotes that have either proven effective or ineffective. Likewise science has infected our society with its technological devices and Psychiatry has come up with a list of errors in the human psyche. Normality is a balance; society’s unspoken rule states the normal individual becomes normal by paralleling the less-equipped. We humans are in a chasm of knowledge; it has engulfed our society thus altering the perspective of the individual. Humanity is as destructive today as it ever was. Why? Because we know, or we think we know, in comparison to what? Prior knowledge? The standard? Who among us can assume to have acquired the medium, the normality? Medical science claims to know the answers to our physicality and our ailments but yet millions suffer each day. Psychiatry claims to have solved the think problem but yet suicide rates are higher today than they have ever been. World religions claim to know the answers to our suffering and still these religious departments squander their wealth on the world’s latest gadgets and devices. What hole needs to be filled? Who designs the holes? We humans are infallible today as we have ever been. Without regard humanity is in a decline and we purchase our happiness in Family-Size microwave dinners. Many before us have stated that “love will conquer”, or “love is all you need”. Fact is, humanity is less love-centered in the 21st century than we were in the dark ages. Where we fail is not our lack of knowledge, it is in our inability to discern the truth from the false. The dissention of our hopes has been marked by a standard less attainable today than it has ever been. We are in a slow moving decline and the force seems unstoppable. Karl Marx, George Orwell, Adolf Hitler, St. Francis of Asissi, Charles Schultz, and countless other historical and religious personalities at one point or another witnessed, discussed, or oversaw the restless decline of our moral fiber. The underachiever is not as distant from the false reality as the successful tyrant. We bulid, build, build, destroy, and b
19 เม.ย. 2015 เวลา 0:58