Edgar Trejo
Endless information at one click and other things. (my thoughts) Nowadays we have unlimited access information to scientist articles, entertainment, blogs, videos and whatever thing without forget the social networks and his impact in us society. The internet could be a very useful tool in school or work if you know use them but this could be a double-edged sword. Maybe you are wondering what are you mean with double-edged sword? I mean that in the internet we can find useful information but also find useless and violent thing that children can watch with any supervision at any time. Now children would rather play in their computers or smartphones than go out and play football or any other physical activity, but these actions bring problems, take for instance the highest rate to overweight in Mexico in decades, diabetes and heart problems. Do you can remember how your childhood was? Perhaps if you have about 20 years old, you can remember it. This times where you could play outside without complains with your friends and talk with them face to face and not with a microphone on your face. Moreover, times change and we have to accept the change, like it or not, that is how is it. But like I said before not everything is bad about the internet, this one make us keeping in touch around the world with whatever person who has access to internet and keep us informed of relevant noticed, also is a tool which help to students in their studies. In other words the internet make us the live easier but also dangerous
4 พ.ค. 2015 เวลา 1:21
การแก้ไข · 2

Endless information at one click and other things. (my thoughts)

Nowadays we have unlimited access to information such as scientific articles, entertainment, blogs, videos and whatever thing almost anything, without forget not to mention the social networks and his their impact on us our society. The internet could can be a very useful tool in school or work if you know how to use them it, but this could be a double-edged sword. Maybe you are wondering what are you mean with by double-edged sword? I mean that on the internet we can find useful information, but also find useless and violent things that children can watch with any supervision at any time. Nowadays children would rather play on their computers or smartphones than go out and play football or any do other physical activity, but these actions bring problems, take for instance such as the highest rate to of overweight obesity in Mexico in decades, diabetes and heart problems.
Do you Can you remember how your childhood was? Perhaps if you have are about 20 years old, you can remember it. This the times where when you could play outside without complaint with your friends and talk with them face to face and not with a microphone in your face. Moreover However, times change and we have to accept the change, like it or not, that is how it is.
But like I said before, not everything is bad about the internet. this one Imake lets us keeping in touch around the world with whatever person anyone who has access to the internet and keeps us informed of relevant noticed news, and also is a tool which helps to students in their studies. In other words, the internet makes us the our lives easier, but also more dangerous.

4 พฤษภาคม 2015