Carolina SP
About me My name is Carolina Im 25 years old and I'm from Argentina. I studied Managment at the University of Buenos Aires and graduated the last year. Now I'm looking for a job to get experience in that area and beginning to developement my profesional career. I have not experience in that yet because I have been working in others jobs related with fashion. Pd: When I finished to write this post I reed it again and I cannot believe that the person who write this its me! Im so excited because I can! All I need is trust in myself and practise a looot! :) Thank you for your help!
6 พ.ค. 2015 เวลา 2:51
การแก้ไข · 2

About me

My name is Carolina. I'm 25 years old and I'm from Argentina. I studied management at the University of Buenos Aires and graduated the last year. Now I'm looking for a job to get experience in that area and beginning to developement develop my profesional career. I have not don't have experience in that yet because I have been working in others jobs related to fashion.

PS: When I finished to write writing this post I read it again and I couldn't believe that the person who wrote this is me! I'm so excited because I can do it! All I need is confidence in myself and practise a looot! :)
Thank you for your help!


Way to go, Carolina! Your confidence and positive attitude are so inspiring! Best of luck to you in your new career :)

6 พฤษภาคม 2015