A book I go to a library now and then. When I was there last month, I looked for some new novels at first. I couldn't find a book which I wanted to read. I remembered a book which my friend recommend. I asked a staff of the library whether there is the book in the library or not. The staff brought it and said if I started to read the book you would stop reading it. I read the book for 2 days. It was a very funny story. I thought the book was useful for me in daily use. I try to be positive in my life.
25 พ.ค. 2015 เวลา 11:27
การแก้ไข · 6

A book

I go to the library every now and then. When I was there last month, I looked for some new novels first. I couldn't find a book which I wanted to read. I remembered a book which my friend recommend to me . I asked a staff member at the library whether there was this book in the library or not. The staff  member brought it to me and said "If I started to read the book you would stop reading it".
I read the book over 2 days. It was a very funny story. I thought the book was useful for me for daily use. I try to be positive in my life.

25 พฤษภาคม 2015

I go to a library now and then. When I was there last month, I looked for some new novels at first. I couldn't find a book which I wanted to read. I remembered a book which my friend had recommended. I asked a staff of the library whether the book was in the library or not. The staff brought it and said if I started to read the book I would stop reading it. 

I read the book for 2 days. It was a very funny story. I thought the book was useful for me in daily life. I try to be positive in my life.


<em>Sayo, you wrote, 'The staff brought it and said if I started to read the book I would stop reading it.' I think this should be 'The staff brought it and said if I started to read the book I wouldn't stop reading it.' Your example is grammatically correct, but it sounds a little strange. I'll let you be the judge!</em>

25 พฤษภาคม 2015

A book

I go to a (the?) library now and then. When I was there last month, I looked for some new books first. I couldn't find a book which I wanted to read. I remembered a book which my friend recommend. I asked the library staff whether they had the book or not. The staff fetched it and said if I started reading it I wouldn't stop.
I read the book in 2 days. It was a very funny story. I thought the book was useful for me in my daily life. I try to be positive.



<em>(Novels is correct, but people don't use this word any more. Most people say 'books'.)</em>

<em>(You can say: I asked the library staff. I asked a staff member. I asked a member of staff. Or just; I asked the staff.)</em>

<em>('I read the book for 2 days', is grammatically correct but sounds odd. I think you meant to say that it was so good you read all of it in 2 days, so 'in 2 days' works better. Or you can say 'I read non-stop for 2 days' if you mean you could not stop)</em>

15 พฤศจิกายน 2015