Sadegh Solati
Higher Education for everyone or only for students with good marks, what do you think? Now days a lot of people attend to universities.some people are very good at the courses but other's result is not much eye taking.Some people thinks that higher education should be available only for students with good mark. I personally think that they are wrong.In the following I will mention two reasons that why denying some students from studying is a wrong thing to do. The most important reason is that education is a right for everyone.It doesn't matter that they get good marks or not . as long as they want to learn, it is their right to be educated.This approach give the students the opportunity to improve their skills and get good marks in the future. For example I have a friend who is very talented but he had not been able to get good marks in first two semester but after that he made a lot of efforts and got good marks in next semester.If he was denied from studying his talents would be ruined. Secondly, what is the definition of a good student?! . is he/she the person who gets good marks?!. I don't think so. some people are very good at theoretical subjects. For example they are good at math or physics. There are another group of students who are not as good as last group but they have more talent in practical things. For example they are very good at working with tools or making some thing out of wood or Iron. I believe that university needs both of them. In conclusion I should say education should be available for everyone both ones with good marks and ones without them .I think both of these groups are necessary for our society. They along each other will make the world a better place to live.
6 ก.ค. 2015 เวลา 9:57
การแก้ไข · 1
l totally agree with the idea that everyone whether with good marks or without good marks can have further and higher education. But the fact is that good marks is an very important criteria for students to apply for the school.
6 กรกฎาคม 2015