How do we learn today? Today, if we go through internet we can learn about a huge range of subjects where students should take care of what they read. Here are some points to bear in mind. What we learn on internet can be confused easily and for this reason the role of parents and teachers can make the difference between who prefer to learn by themselves and those who see the importance of our tutors. Moreover, a guided learning process is focused on reaching the different stages that a child should to take little by little. Something similar happens with the quality of the information we have access to on internet. Despite the fact that some students believe that they can distinguish the poor and good contents available on the net, the true is that they do not have enough skills to do it. However, if they are willing to take our advices, everything could be different. Therefore, in my opinion if we were able to demonstrate to today’s generation that not only we can learn from internet but also from the experience of our teachers and parents who know what is convenient for children.
6 ก.ค. 2015 เวลา 19:12
การแก้ไข · 3

How do we learn today?

Today, if we go through THE internet we can learn about a huge range of subjects where SO students should take care BE CAREFUL of what they read. Here are some points to bear in mind.

What we learn on THE internet can be confused easily and for this reason the role of parents and teachers can make the difference between THOSE who prefer to learn by themselves and those who see the importance of our USING tutors. Moreover, a guided learning process is focused on reaching the different stages that a child should to take REACH little by little.

Something similar happens with the quality of the information we have access to on internet. Despite the fact that some students believe that they can distinguish BETWEEN the poor BAD and good contents available on the net, the true is that they do not have enough skills to do it. However, if they are willing to take our advices, everything could be different.

Therefore, in my opinion if we were able to demonstrate to today’s generation that not only we can WE learn from THE internet but also from the experienceS of our teachers and parents who know what is convenient BEST for children.

6 กรกฎาคม 2015