My Eyes My eyes are very small, and a single-edged eyelid When I am smiling, someone can't see my eyes. They always called me " small eyes". So I am not confident about my appearance. That also become a reason for someone dislike me. Sometimes I hate myself about " small eyes, big face." but I need to change that. I could turn into innner beauty. such as improve my cooking. When someone introduced me to other," oh, She is good at cooking, She cooks food delicious."
26 ส.ค. 2015 เวลา 8:37
การแก้ไข · 6

My Eyes

My eyes are very small, and have a single-edged eyelid[1]. When I am smiling, someone can't see my eyes. They always called me "small eyes". So I am not confident about my appearance. That also became a reason for someone to dislike me. Sometimes I hate myself about "small eyes, big face." but I need to change that. I could turn into my innner beauty. such as improve my cooking. When someone introduces me to someone else, She might say " oh, She is good at cooking, She cooks delicious food."

mistake more natural

[1] Sorry - I don't understand what you mean.

Although you need a space after almost every punctuation mark, you should not put one after a beginning (opening) bracket or quote e.g. " or ' or [{<. "small eyes" "hello" "Good" (etc).

27 สิงหาคม 2015
@Diwan, Sometimes we need to get our emotion on other things. @Euphoria, Thanks. a flower a world.haha.
1 กันยายน 2015
And you have nice flowers.
26 สิงหาคม 2015
Actually that's a good motivation and lead you to the good way. have fun cooking. :)
26 สิงหาคม 2015