Please help me with this "청개구리 이야기" Well, I'm trying to translate this paragraph, but since I learned only basic Korean, I don't really understand it. Hopefully you guys can help me. 옛날 옛날에 청개구리 한 마리가 살았데요. 그 청개구리는 엄마 말이라면 뭐든지 반대로 하는 나쁜 버릇이 있었습니다. 엄마가 둘로 가라면 물로 가고 동으로 가리면 서로 가고 하는 식이었죠. 결국 말 안듣는 청개구리 때문에 어머니는 병이 났죠. 엄마 개구리는 자신이 죽으면 산에 묻지 말고 냇가에 묻어달라고 했죠. 왜냐하면 분명히 반대로 일을 할 것을 알았기 때문이지요. 그러나 어머니가 돌아가시자 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치고 눈물을 흘리면서 어머니 부탁 그대로 냇가에 묻었어요. 결국 비가 울 때마다 어머니의 시제가 떠내려 갈까봐 운다고 합니다. (Sorry if I made writing mistakes, I found this on a piece of telephone card and rewrite it here) Here is my translation: Once upon a time, there lived a tree frog. He always did anything that his Mom told not to do. ..... Eventually, his Mom got sick because of him. His mom asked him not to bury her on the mountain instead on the side of stream if she died. However, apparently, ..... Then, his Mom died. His mom buried on the side of stream just like what she asked. Eventually, whenever the rain comes .....
11 มิ.ย. 2012 เวลา 14:30
คำตอบ · 3
Once upon a time, there lived a tree frog The tree frong had a terrible habit. He always did opposite of what his mom told him to do. He goes to the river if his mom tells him to go to the mountain and also if his mom tells him to go to the east, he goes to the west. After all, his mom was taken ill and therefore she asked him to bury her at the water. That is because she was certain that his son would do exactly opposite to what he had been asked to do. However, he regreted his faults when his mom passed away. Meanwhile, he was crying and then finally he listened to his mom's last wish burying on the side of stream. This is why the tree frog cries when raining in order for her mom not to be washed away. The translation is not perfect.. but i hope this helped you understand!
11 มิถุนายน 2012
His mother worried her funeral. 'If i ask him to bury me on the mountain, he probably bury me on the river side. Then, i have to ask him to bury me on the river side.' When she passes away, tree frog regreted his past behaviors. So, he decided to achive mother's last wish. But afterthen, whenever rain comes, tomb of his mother is in danger of river steam, sadly. That is why tree frog cries everytime when rain comes. ..... I hope that this helps you, but i'm not sure. ^^;;;
30 เมษายน 2016