what is mean 'verb+гой' form? what is mean, and how can use 'verb+гой' form? ex) талпынагой, басагой.
17 เม.ย. 2013 เวลา 21:13
คำตอบ · 1
Thank you for such a wonderful question. As a verb, the word “кой” has a different syntactic position. It can be a predicate and an auxiliary verb in a sentence. 1) The predicate: Жерге кой - Put it on the ground Кол кой - Sign on the document Бетке кой - Hit him in the face Келгенди кой - Stop coming Чеккенди кой - Give up smoking 2) As an auxiliary verb, it gives the enhancing effect of movement and action, depending on the verb. Ала кой - quickly take something The auxiliary verb merges with the main verb in the pronunciation. This is also reflected in the letter: Келегой (келе кой) Жүрөгой (жүрө кой) Басагой (баса кой) Талпынагой (талпына кой) Талп – onomatopoeia; flop. (Heavily, awkwardly, ponderously, clumsy) movement, action Талпын – to try, to flap Талпынып жаңыдан басып келе жаткан бала – toddler; kid tries to walk. Талпынагой - Let's try to go. Басагой - Let's go. They are gentle, affectionate and kind words. Lastly, I want to ask a question. Why do we write the letter "г" in “келегой”, “басагой”.....?
27 เมษายน 2013
ภาษาอาเซอรี, ภาษาคาซัค, ภาษาเกาหลี, ภาษาคีร์กีซ, ภาษาทาจิก, ภาษาเติร์กเมน, ภาษาอุซเบก
ภาษาอาเซอรี, ภาษาคาซัค, ภาษาคีร์กีซ, ภาษาทาจิก, ภาษาเติร์กเมน, ภาษาอุซเบก