ШАПКАР “Не може хората, които работят на терен и всеки ден рискуват живота си, да се пенсионират при равни условия с шапкарите, които стоят зад бюрата и се занимават с административна работа”, каза Зайкова. “шапкар” means “hatter” or “milliner”, but clearly that is not the meaning in this sentence? What is the meaning here?
5 ต.ค. 2014 เวลา 12:41
คำตอบ · 7
5 ตุลาคม 2014
Thanks Filipa. Something analogous happens in English: A derogatory term for bureaucrat is "suit".
13 กุมภาพันธ์ 2015
Шапкар is mean police or military man. Usually people use it like an insult for those people. For example ' Глупав шапкар! ' mean Stupid police/ military man. It's a slang. The idea of the sentence which you post is that the people which work with documents in the army have the same recruitment bonuses as soldier which go on war/ on the field and according to Зайкова it is unfair.
12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2015
As far as know that's a derogatory term for military men.
5 ตุลาคม 2014