adverbs of frequency Adverbs of frequency are placed before the main verb and after the verb to be. Exemple: He often listens to the radio / Tom is usually very friendly. but What happens when is negative? I have found two answers in an answer key exercice that doesn't have sense: the answer key says that both answers are right, but I don't understand why...maybe there is a mistake... It says: Peter doesn't usually get up before seven (before the main verb) Tony usually doesn't get up before seven (before doesn't) It also appears a positive right answer which says: Charlotte goes sometimes to the pool. (after the main verb) Can you help me about this three supposed right answers?????
4 มี.ค. 2015 เวลา 9:29
คำตอบ · 5
Peter doesn't usually get up before seven (before the main verb) Yes, this is the standard construction. Tony usually doesn't get up before seven (before doesn't) This is possible, but less usual. It may not work in all sentences, and in some cases it could change the meaning or sound wrong. Charlotte goes sometimes to the pool. This doesn't sound right. Unless you have a particular reason to emphasise 'pool', it isn't normal to separate the verb and the rest of the complement. It is best to keep 'goes to the pool' as one element - don't break it up.
4 มีนาคม 2015
I can't say that your material is wrong technically speaking (I'm not a grammar teacher), however for the third one a native speaker would put 'sometimes' before 'goes'. Also you put "...in an anwser key that doesn't have sense:" We would say "...in an answer key that doesn't *make* sense:" I hope that helps!
4 มีนาคม 2015