Dar um tempo (Portuguese) What's correspondent for 'Dar um tempo' in English? Took a 'broke', Take a break or what?
23 พ.ค. 2015 เวลา 15:40
คำตอบ · 5
"Dar um tempo" has lots of meanings in Portuguese. I suggest that you write a phrase (context) containing the expression, it would help a lot ! For example: "Para de falar merda... Me dá um tempo, cara!". In this case, I would translate: "Give me a break".
23 พฤษภาคม 2015
You'd say "Took a brake". "Break" is a noun here, so the only way you can modify "break" is to say "take breaks" (in which case its just plural).
23 พฤษภาคม 2015