Some questions plz 11_What does mean 我的烟还能抽到下星期。 sentence in English?  为什么从下星期开始呢? 我的烟还能抽到下星期,要是不抽完就浪费了。 12_Please tell me the whole of these sentences. 为什么从下星期开始呢? 我的烟还能抽到下星期,要是不抽完就浪费了。 13_What does mean就叫人气走了In this sentence in English? Does it means someone steal the bicycle?? 我刚买了一辆自行车,就叫人骑走了。
28 ก.ค. 2015 เวลา 5:57
คำตอบ · 3
I speak both English and Chinese very well and I think I am able to help with the questions here. What does mean 我的烟还能抽到下星期。 sentence in English? Answer: “我的烟还能抽到下星期” means “my ciggratees can be smoked until next week”. But this doesn’t make quite sense. The closest version in English, i.e., better translation, would be “my ciggarates will last until next week.” Note that it does NOT indicate any day. The endpoint can be on Monday next week or Sunday next week as long as it’s in the next week. 为什么从下星期开始呢? Why next week? It depends on the context. I will make an example here: A:”Hey, do I need to buy you some more ciggrattes?” B:”No, thanks! Mine will last until next week.” But B will be leaving next week so he can’t take the ciggrattes with him on the trip. Therefore, B:” because I will be gone next week, if I don’t finish these by next week, they would all be wasted!” 13_What does mean就叫人骑走了In this sentence in English? Does it means someone steal the bicycle?? 我刚买了一辆自行车,就叫人骑走了。 Answer: The exact translation is: I just bought a bike, and it got ridden away by someone. 骑=ride. Ridden is the past participle of ride. Because it’s past participle tense. So, that’s why we have 叫 in this sentence. 叫 is equivalent to “被” here. It gives the past participle. 叫 in most cases means yell, shout or ask. Due to there’s a “就” in the sentence, which implies that a turning point or cause effect. Therefore the sentence means “I just bought a bike, and it’s ridden away by someone.” If you want to say “I just bought a bike and asked someone to ride it away.” It would be without “就”. - 我刚买了一辆自行车,叫人骑走了。
28 กรกฎาคม 2015
May I know your mother tongue? Thank you.
28 กรกฎาคม 2015
I got enough cigarettes for next week. Or my cigarettes won't use up until the end of next week. I can't give you a perfect English version explanation. But you can understand, right? Why do we start from next week? My cigarettes are enough for next week's consuming. They'll be wasted if not lit. Yes. It means someone rode it away. In other words, steal it most probably if he didn't take it by mistake.
28 กรกฎาคม 2015